Chap. #20 😘

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Justin's pov:

The final bell of the day came and I went to my locker as fast as I can. I had tears swelling up in my eyes all day but I would not let them fall down my cheeks.

I need to he strong. But it's hard. I don't know if he is mad at me? Am I mad at him? No? I don't understand why he can't tell me.

"Hey." I hear a slight whisper as I turn to see Rae next to me. "You look deep into thought. You alright?" He asks.

I shrug. "Are you?" He shrugs back.

"I never meant to yell at you like that. It's not that I don't trust you or anything like that, I just want it out of my head. I need it out of my head. I don't want to think about it." He said.

"Tell me. And I won't say anything or ever bring it up again. Deal?"

He nods. "I'm surpised your dad hasn't told you yet." He pauses.

"Tell me what?" I ask confused.

"My mom is sick...very sick." He says.

I look at him in disbelief. My dad didn't tell me? Why? He seemed fine these past few days.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry." I hug him. He squeezes me like I'm going somewhere. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving him.

"I-its okay. I'm just worried sick. She's in the hospital right now. I'm all alone, at my house."

"Okay come over for now. Then we can go visit her okay?" I ask.

He nods. I give him a little peck beofre I take his hand and walk us out of school. We get in our cars and drive to my house. We get there at the same time and get out of our cars. We go inside and I see my dad, on the couch, crying.

"D-dad?" I go over and sit next to him.

"I know what happened. I'm sorry." I say.

"I'm so worried about her. She's not doing good. We can't even go visit."

I look at Rae. "Why not?" Rae asks.

"I don't know. I-i called and they said they won't let us see her so there is no point of going."

I hug my dad and he cries into my shoulder. "Shh she'll be okay I promise. She's strong." I rub his back.

I pull away and look at him. He's calmed down a little but he's still shaking.

"How did she get sick?" I ask looking from my dad to Raegan. He shakes his head "no" While shrugging.

I see Rae wipe under his eyes with his sleeves like he's crying. I get on his lap and hug him as tight as I can.

"It's okay." I whisper rubbing his back.

"N-no it's not. I want to see her." He said into my shoulder.

"I know but you can't right now. Maybe tomorrow if they let us."

"No. No I need to see her now." He says louder and starts actually letting his tears flow.

I look at my dad and he looks like he feels bad.

"Rae I know you want to see her, we all do but, they won't let us." He says in a soothing voice.

Rae pulls away from our hug and gently takes me off his lap.

"I don't care. I'm going to see her." He said as he walked toward the door. My dad and I both get up and follow him outside.

"Baby please there is no point of going." I said.

"Then don't." He said through his crying sounding upset and disappointment in what I said.

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