Chap. #19 😕

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Justin's pov:

The next morning I got ready and school and went downstairs for some breakfast. I see my dad there with a plate in front of him and one next to him for me with pancakes.

"Hey Justin. I made you breakfast."

"Thank you dad. So, how work?" I ask sitting down.

"It's great. I work hard but at least I get payed."


It was silent for moment and I started eating.

"So, you and Rae?" He asked.

"Oh I never told you, his exgirldriend drugged him so he wouldn't know what he was doing. I heard them talking in the hallway."

"Damn. Crazy bitch." He said. I laugh at his remark and continue eating.

"I knew he would never cheat on you Justin. You should listen to me sometimes." He laughs.

"Yea I know right. But I still feel bad I didn't believe him that something was wrong."

"It's okay. It's in the past, you two are okay right?"

"Perfect." I smile.

He smiles back. "Good."

I finish eating and grab my bag. I say Goodbye to my dad and head to school.

I walk into school and immediatly get pulled to the side my someone. I swear under my breath as they grabbed my arm hard and it stung my cuts. I see who pulled me it's Jess. Wtf?

"Listen here you little girl, Raegan is mine. If you go near him one more time, I'll make sure to make your life a living hell." She said.

"Woah woah woah. You think Raegan is yours? Ha that's funny, becuase the last time I checked he was my boyfriend and we both think your crazy ass bitch. So if I were you-"

Before I finished, she pushed me back with so much froze, I fell to the floor and hit my head on the hard ground.

"You're fucking insane!" I yell as I hold the back of my head in pain.

"Maybe I am. But I'm sure as hell not stupid." She said. What does that mean?

She gets on top of me slaps me multiple times. I try to get her off me but my kicking but nothing worked. She punched my face that made me see stars. She's a strong, crazy ass bitch.

Next I feel her get lifted off of me quick. I stand up and see Raegan.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? I'm not yours! I love Justin so much your insane! NEVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN OR I'LL BEAT YOU'RE ASS MYSELF!!" He screamed but mostly the last part.

She looks like she wants to slap him so bad. But she just storms off down the hall. Rae stays where he is, his back turned to me. I go in front of him and he looks so pissed off.

"Thank you baby but-" he goes around me and was about to walk away but I stopped him.

"Hey wait. Talk to me." I say as he looks down at me with his eyes, not moving his head.

He doesn't answer but just walks away again. I let him this time. What's his deal? First he saves me then he doesn't talk to me and walks away like he's mad at me? Uh ok.

Lunch came fast as I sat in front of the tree Raegan and I usually sit at. I saw Rae walk out with a few of his friends. He looked at me and came over, his friends following. He sat next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Woah woah you can't just ignore me this morning and be like this now? What's your problem?" I asked.

"I'm sorry babe. I'm just not in the mood today and when I saw her slapping and punching you that just made my day worse." He said.

I kiss his lips gently and pull away. "What happened?" I asked.

He shook his head back and forth. Why couldn't he tell me?

"Why can't you tell me?" I ask.

"Because I'm trying to not think about it Justin." He said annoyed.

"Ok." I whisper looking down at my lap.

I got up and walked inside. Is he mad at me? I just wanted to know what was wrong. I'm a part of his life, I love him, I want to help.

I run into the bathroom and go in a stall. I start to cry. Why am I so sensative? I'm over exaggerating but I can't help it. I just don't like the fact of him mad at me. I feel so alone when he's mad at me.

I wipe my tears and get out of the bathroom. I go down the hall and see Rae walking with his head down. I go up to him and lift his head up with my finger. I can see how hurt he is.

"Baby please tell me what's wrong. I can help. I'll try to help. I hate seeing you like this." I say.

"Justin no please stop asking. And w-were you crying?" He aksed.

"Yes I was. I can see the hurt in your eyes Rae. Please tell me." Tears start flowing down my face.

"No babe. Not right now at least." He says walking away.

"What's so bad about telling me Rae!? I'm your boyfriend aren't I? We are in this together!" I raise my voice at him.

"Stop crying Justin you're being redicoulas! I'm not telling you right now. Stop bringing it up. You're not a five year old!' He yells the last part.

I turn around and run away from him. Why is he being like this? I just want to know. I get to my next class and sit down waiting for the bell. Why are there fights in a relationship? I hate it!

Hello everyone. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment and vote 😊😘
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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