Chap. #30 💯

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*I've decided to make this the last chapter. Y'all know I'm making new jaegan book tho! I've got a good idea 😁 plz enjoy last chapter and read the a/n at the end also ❤*

Justin's pov:

So it's been a few weeks. School has been normal. Raegan and I have never been better. His mom is out out of the hospital as of yesterday. Raegan is  very happy about it.  I feel like I should tell him about how I used to dream about him before I knew him. I feel like now I'm more comfortable. Right now we are sitting on the couch at my house watching some tv. I have my legs over his legs, as his are resting on the coffee table. My body is against his body, our sides touching. Finally, he has his arm over my shoulders.

"Baby?" I ask looking at him. He looks at me.

"Yes?" He asks curious.

"Can I tell you now?"

"Tell me what?"

"Remember that talk we had a few weeks ago? I wanted to tell you something but I didn't because I wasn't ready yet. Well now I am." I smile.

"Okay. As long as you're ready. Go ahead." He takes his arm off my shoulders and Maneuvers his body so he's facing me. His attention was completely on me right now.

"Ok. So before I moved here and before we met, I used to have very specific dreams. Dreams that I would always remember. When I woke up, I would know what happened and who was in it. I even told my dad becuase I was very confused about it." I paused.

"Ok. What else?"

"I always had one person in all of my dreams. We dated. We hugged, kissed, said "I love you" every dream. And when I moved here, I saw that person in my dream."

He looked at me confused. "How is that possible? You didn't even know the person. That's creepy." He laughed  a little at the end.

"I know. And it's crazy to me how I actually saw the person. It's like....we were meant to be."

He looked a upset when I said that. "W-who was it? Who were you "meant to be with?" He asked.

"I am meant to be with this person." I said.

"Who?" He stares at me like he was waiting for me to tell him how long he has to live or something.

"Its you Rae." I said smiling, tears forming in my eyes. I can't believe I'm telling him this. I'm so happy my dream was right.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes." Tears fall from my eyes. I wipe them away and laugh at myself.

"That's crazy. It's like your mind knew we were going to end up together. You're like psychic."

"I know. I didn't want to tell you for a while because it seemed fake. It's like, when I first came into school, and I saw you. My mind clicked and I said to myself. That's the boy from my dreams. I dream about that boy. And I fell for you so fast."

He smiled at me. He looked so happy.

"Well I'm glad your dream was right about us. I don't know what would happen if I neve met you. I don't know what I would have been doing right now if you weren't here, if we were here together."

"Me either." I grab his hand. "I love you Raegan. I've loved you forever. I will love you forever. It's like I loved you before I met you." I wanted to start crying happy tears again but I contained it.

"I love you too. I've always pictured me falling in love with someone like you. You make me so happy Justin. I wouldn't trade you for the world."

"I wouldn't trade you so save my life Rae."

We looked at each other like it was our first time meeting. We both smiled and I looked down. I looked back up at him after a minute.

"What's going to happen to us?" I ask

"What do you mean?"

"Our parents. What's going to happen? I don't want you and me to be related Rae."

"Me either. I don't know what's going to happen. They really love each other." He said.

"I know they do. The way they look at each other. It's like the way I've been looking at you since the day those dreams started happening."

He nods. "How will we deal with that? Being brothers. That can't happen Jay."

"It probably will happen one day." I tell him.

"Ok, so it will. But I won't just forget about you. I won't be able to date for a while. And I won't ever look at another person the way I look at you." 
(I'm actually sobbing 😩😭)

"Baby I won't ever love anyone the way I love you. I will always love you. Even when we become brothers, I will always love you more then that. Even when I tell someone else "I love you" it won't be the same."

"It will never be the same for me either." He said.

I opened arms a little and wrapped them around his neck hugging him. He brought me on his lap and engulfed my waist, hugging me back.

"Please promise me. You'll never leave me." I thought about what I just said. It didn't really make sense.

"I promise Justin. I promise." He said rubbing my back.

I pulled my face away from his shoukder and I looked into his eyes. I put my hand on his neck and kissed him. It was so full of love and compassion. Two things we have. We will always have.

"You know sometimes I think, why does all of this happen to us?" He asked.

"I don't know Rae. I don't know why it's us. I really don't."

The end of "Why us?"

Ahhh omg I'm actually crying. I really liked how this chapter turned out. I really hope you all enjoyed this book! Thank you all to eveyone who commented and voted and just showed as much love as they could! Y'all know I'm not done tho 😉😊
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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