Chap. #27🎆

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Justin's pov:

I brought Raegan to the hospital to go see his mom. I stayed in the waiting room for him. I'm tired at the moment, I didn't really want to go see her.

He came out and I stood up. He smiled at me.

"How is she?"

"Not good, but not bad." I nodded.

"Come on. Let's go buy some snacks for tonight. I want my promise to be so fulfilled." He smiled really big at me.

"Aww baby I love you." I tell him.

"I love you more." We both looked down and intertwined out fingers on our left hands.

We walked out of the hospital and got in my car. I drive to the store and we get some popcorn and candy. We were paying, that's when I realized how much we had.

"We're fat." I looked at Rae laughing.

"Yea we are." He laughed back.

We went home and took all the snacks inside. I went upstairs and got a few blankets. I brought them downstairs and put them on the couch. My phone went off so I checked it.

Dad❤: I will be home late. Work wants me to stay for overtime. Are you going to watch the fireworks.

Me: Ok and yea can I go to Rae's house to watch them? There is a better view.

Dad❤: Of course. See you later have fun.

Me: Thanks ❤

I shut my phone off and threw it on the couch. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and I screamed. The next second I see Rae's face upside down from mine. He put me on his shoulder.

"Hey put me down."

"No." He pouted. He kissed me, his face still upside down from mine.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you more." He said.

He put me down and he hugged me around my waist gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck looked into his eyes.

"How are you so handsome, and cute, and hot, and every other word for attractive?" He asked me.

I laughed at his question. "Hmm I disagree, but I don't know." I smiled.

My phone went off again. I unlocked my eyes from his and pulled my arms away. He slowly took his arms off my waist, sliding his fingertips on my hips. I got goosebumps as I turned around to reach for my phone. I felt his arms go around my waist from behind, putting his head on my shoulder. I smiled and looked at the text I got.

Unknown: Watch your back Justin. I know exactly what you are doing tonight, and i'm always watching. It doesn't matter if Raegan is with you or not :,)

I read it over and over again until Raegan took his arms away and took my phone. He stared at the text. I sat down on the couch and started shaking. I'm so scared. Someone is watching me? Someone knows what i'm doing tonight and all the time?

Rae noticed my facial expression and sat next to me on the couch. He hugged me and I climb on his lap. I hug him like someone is going to take me. Well right now I don't know. I only have him right now. It's starting to get dark. No I hate the dark.

"Shh you're okay I'll protect you I promise. No one's going to touch you."

"Please Rae don't let anyone come near me." I hug him tighter.

"I won't! I'll always protect you baby." He turned his head to kiss my cheek.

We stayed in silence for a little, just holding each other. I tried not to think about it. But I can't not think about it.

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