Chap. #10 😍

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Justin's pov:

I woke up the next morning laying on my stomach, next to Rae. I smiled and reached over to get my phone. My dad texted me.

Dad❤: I went to work, you can stay home with Raegan today 😊 text me later.

Me: Thanks dad, yea ill stay home with Rae.

I saw the time and I woke Raegan up. I shook him a little and said his name. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Do you wany to go to school or stay with me?" I ask.

"What do you think?" He laughs.

"Yay thank you." I hug around his neck and he wraps his around my waist.

I think today is the day.

Rae and I both take showers and now we are on the couch now watching tv.

"Rae I'm hungry." I say.

"Taco Bell it is."


"Of course."

"I'm paying though."

"No ill-"

"No I'm paying. Don't when argue I swear to god." I say.

"Okay okay." He laughs. "I'll be right back."

I give him the money and he leaves to go get Taco bell. He's so amazing. I need to tell him how I feel. I really love him. I know I do. I feel a certain way around him I never feel around anymore else. That's gotta mean something.

The door opens and I see Rae walk in with Taco Bell.

"Thank you Rae."

"No problem Jay."

We eat and watch some tv. I finish eating while he was still eating his last taco.


"Hmm?" He hums.


"Y-you what?"

"I...I really like these tacos. Do you like yours?" I ask.

"Oh uh yea they are good." He smiles.

Oh I chickened out. Dammit. I can't do this. No I need to. But I can't. Yes I can. Yes I can!

"I need to talk to you Raegan."

"About what?"


Without anything else said or done, I ran upstairs and into my room. I slammed my door and started freaking out. Omg I just did that. I just ran from him. Stupid Stupid!

I repeatedly hit my forehead as I pace back and forth in my room. There's a knock at the door. I open it and reveal Raegan.

"Hey are you okay? What happened?"

"My stomach started hurting. I feel better now though."

"Are you sure that why?"

"Yea I'm sure." I smile. Omg I'm retarded.

"Okay. Do you want some medicine?" He asked. Damn he's so sweet.

"No, no it's better thank you."

We walk back downstairs and back on the couch.

"How do your ribs feel?" He asked.

"The same. I'm sore." I said.

"Yea. I still feel terrible about what happened. If I had just kept my eyes on the road that wouldn't-"

"Hey for the last time, it wasn't your fault. Don't worry about it okay?" I cut him off.

"O-okay." He looks at his lap. Ok, no, I need to do this.

I scoot over and jump on his lap carefully. He looks at me with a bit of shock. I give him a little smile.

"Rae yestarday was not your fault and there was nothing you could have done. I appreciate you caring for me though." I say.

"Of course I care about you Jay." He wraps his arms around my waist. Ugh there is that feeling.

"Raegan I-"

"What? Tell me."

"But, I don't-" I cant even finish my sentences.

"I know you have something to tell me. Or show me. So do it now!"

This might be my only chance. Drjwnsnwosnee okay okay!

"Justin come on. No matter what I will-"

I cut him off by not caring anymore, and connecting my lips with his. I put my hands on his upper arms as they were still around my waist. I felt him kiss back as we moved our lips in sync. He brought me closer to his body by pulling my wiast. Holy shit this is the best moment of my life. His lips are so soft and he's really gentle.

I pull away and look at him. He stares at me as I get a little nervous and blushy. That was the best kiss ever.

"Raegan I've liked you for so long. From the second day I met you."

That was all I could say before I completely froze again. He leaned in this time and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. He pulled away this time.

"After I broke up with Jess, I realized I really like you Justin." He smiles.

"Really?" I smile so big.

"Yes. And it's been growing everyday."

We hug and stay in this position for what seems like hours. I'm like literally shaking inside. He likes me too. My dad was right. My mind was wrong this whole time. But.....does he love me? I love him.

"I love you Raegan." I say, scared to death of his reaction.

I feel him pull away and look into my eyes. "You do?"

I take a big breath and release it. "Yes. I love you so much." I say about to cry now.

"Good. Becuase I love you too Justin." He said, his voice so soothing.

I cried not to cry but it failed. Tears escaped my eyes and ran down my face. He smiled and rubbed my sides, him crying too now.

"Don't cry." He said laughing a little with tears falling down his face.

"Hey you are crying too." I said smiling so big.

"I've been waiting to say that for so long." I say hugging him again. He rubs my back. I pull my head away, still hugging him, just my face in front of his. I peck his lips and even just that little peck makes me wanna jump up and down.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too cutie." He said.

That made me blush as I put my head on his shoulder again. He held my waist as if someone was about to take me.

I did it. I actually did it. And he loved me back? What are the odds of that. I love him so much. And now he finally knows. 😍

Cute? I think so. Finally am I right? Hehe. They aren't official yet 🤷 plz comment and vote 😊👏
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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