Chap. #29 ⛾

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Justin's pov:

-Baby can we talk?
-please I'm sorry.
-I didn't want to break my promise. Please!
*seen at 5:20*

Ugh he's not answering. I know he's mad. I understand. But I need to talk to him.

I go over to my window and sit at the edge. It's raining outside. Not too bad though. I lean my forehead against the glass and stare outside. I watch at the rain comes down onto the window. I sigh and walk away from the window.

I grab a jacket and put it on. I put my phone on the pocket of it. I throw on my sneaker and tie them. I go downstairs and see my dad laying on the couch.

"I'm going to Raegan's." I tell him.

"Okay. Have fun." He says.

"Doubt it." I say walk outside. I run to my car and get in. I start it and drive to Raegan's house.

I get there and run up to the porch. I ring the doorbell and wait a minute for him to answer. Finally the door opens slowly and I look up at him.

"Can I come in?" I ask. He looks around a little and then nods. He backs away and I walk in.

He shuts the door and puts his back against it, looking at me. "Why are you here?"

"Because you weren't answering my texts and I just feel horrible Rae I really do. I can't just sit home and relax knowing you're mad at me." I say.

He doesn't speak. He just stares me down. "I'm sorry. Please, we can get through this together. You're mom is going to fight this cancer until she it's gone." I say.

(I know nothing about this cancer. So these facts will he false. Plz don't take offensive)
"She's not doing good justin. Anything can happen." He said walking away to the sitting room.

"I know I know! Something good could happen though."

"Something bad already happened." He said.

"What?" I ask walking over to where he's sitting on the couch.

"Her lungs are very bad. It won't be easy for it to just 'go away' trust me." He said.

"Okay. So it won't be easy. That doesn't mean it will be-"

"She's in a coma Justin." He cuts me off.

"What? How?"

"Whatever happened while you were in the room with her, that put her in a coma. They don't know when she will wake up." He said tearing up.

"Oh my god Raegan I'm so sorry." I say sitting next to him and hugging him. He hugs back. Then I pull away to look at him.

"Please forgive me baby. I know I messed up and I should have never promised. But I did, and I don't break promises. You know that. I love you, I don't like when you're mad at me." I tell him.

He smiles at me a little and that made me so happy. "I love you too. I forgive you."

I kiss him and jump on his lap. He laughs and we hug each other.

"You're so cute!" He said.

"Thank you." I smile big squinting my eyes.

I fell back holding his neck. We fell on the floor and he was on top of me. He laughed and started to tickle me.

"No! N-no stop!" He didn't stop.

"Raaaaaee!" I whine laaughing.

He kept going until I sat up and kissed him. He stopped and kissed me back. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. He was now straddling my lap.

"You know I never meant to hurt you babe. You're literally my world, My whole life. I love you more than anything. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes. Everyone does."

"I know. You're everything to me too. I'm sorry I got mad." He said.

"No you has every right to be mad at me. But thank you for forgiving me." I told him.

He smiled and kissed me. I put my right hand on his neck as we kissed multiple times. Not like a makeout but just little kisses.

"Do you want me to leave? I understand if you want to be alone." I said.

He shook his head "no" signalling he wants me to stay.

"Ok. Let's go upstairs." I say. He gets off my lap and we go upstairs.

We get in his room and lay down on his bed. He puts his head on my chest and I wrap my arms around him.

"Babe?" I ask.


"One day I'm going to tell you something. Something that I'm still confused about to this day." I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Its hard to explain without telling you. I just don't really think it's important right now."

"Ok. That's fine. As long as it's not bothering you." He said yawning.

I slowly run my fingers through his hair. I watch as I play with his soft hair. His breathing gets very relaxed and faint. I peek my head to see if he's sleeping. He is. I continue to play with his hair because I know he loves it like I do. I mean, he just fell asleep from it.

We have so much in common. We both are transgender. We both have very similar personalities. And all in all, we both know what true love is. Yea, we get in fights, but I'll never stop loving him. If our parents get married, which one day they probbaly will, ill still always love him. When they get married I don't know what's going to happen. I will still love him. But will he love me? I won't find another relationship for a long time. Will he move on right away? I have a lot of questions about "us" at the moment.

Will we have love forever? Will we get married and adopt kids? Will we die together, Happy we found each other?

Or will our parents eventually get married? Will we be step brothers? Will he always be the boy who first started in my dream, and continue to be in my dreams until we die as brothers?

Woah that was kinda deep...oof. it seemed like the end but it's not. I am planning on making a few more chapters. But then I'm starting a new book because I have a really good idea! If you enjoyed plz comment and vote 😊🍒
¡Samantha Sarno¡

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