Judgement Hall

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My entire body shook with rage as I looked down the Judgement Hall. There stood the first human I had seen in years, aside from myself. Questions and Accusations ran through my mind as I watched my fellow creature approach us. So this was humanity...A race of unfeeling murderers who's only source of worth seemed to be in ruining others' peace and happiness. I fingered the sword strapped to my side. I had never used it on others except in duels with Undyne. I gripped the handle of my pistol. I had never shot it at anything other than jars and plates. Now it looked like all that was about to change. All the years of playful jousting and marksman competitions would have to be used to kill.

I looked at my brother. He was filled with just as much rage as me. His body shook with anger and sorrow, his white fur along his neck raised in fury. His horns had been sharpened. He held bright globes of fire in his hands. He was also levitating. I hadn't seen Asriel like this before. But then again, we had never experienced death of our loved ones. We had never seen our royal parents hold each other in sorrow and fear and disappear into dust along with everyone else we loved. Asriel, the former Prince, now turned King of Monsters looked at me, smiled and said two words I will never forget.

"For Life."

I looked up at him and raised my shield and unholstered my sidearm. I cocked the slide, loading it and solemnly nodded.

The Killer was approaching. Blood and Dust trailed behind it as it shambled towards us, breathing raggedly. The beauty of the Judgement Hall was dimmed by the presence of the Evil Thing. As I prepared myself, I looked at my brother and answered,

"For Life..."

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