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The door to the large house creaked as it opened and allowed in its two inhabitants. One, a tall kindly goat-like monster carrying groceries. The other, a young teenaged human girl carrying a backpack laden with books. Although each was carrying heavy loads, they walked into the house with smiles on their faces. That day had been the last day of school until summer was past. The child, Frisk, was excited for obvious reasons. No school for three months! Toriel Frisk's adopted mother and (technically) Queen of Monsters was excited as well. She loved teaching her mixed class of human and monster children, but teaching was draining and she felt it was well that both pupils and teachers earn a break.

Frisk walked to her room and plopped down on her bed sighing exhaustedly. Finished at last! Ideas went through her mind as she relayed what her plans were for the first week of summer in her mind. Hanging out with Monster Kid and Bratty and Catty and some human classmates at the mall, bug hunting with Toriel and finally watching Mew Mew Kissy Cutie with Undyne and Alphys. All fun in their own ways. However, the Big One was the Annual Ebbot Camping Trip next Sunday. The Magnificent Seven (which was what Papyrus and Sans jointly came up with as the name for Frisk, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel and Asgore in one group. They had come up with that after watching a human Western.) were going to camp on the slopes on Mt. Ebott as celebration of the now 4th Anniversary of their freedom from the Underground.

Frisk hadn't seen some of that gang in a long while. Alphys and Sans had both gone and done their own things and pursued their own careers. Alphys as a joint scientist and a YouTube personality. It looked like people loved tuning in to his channel listening to him rattling off puns while playing video games and trolling hackers. His videos, of course, were hardly edited.

Papyrus, Undyne, Asgore and Toriel had all found jobs in the new mixed school that had been built both for Monsters and local Humans. Toriel was one of the main teachers there and head administrator. Papyrus and Undyne both worked as coaches. Asgore was the main groundskeeper.

Everyone seemed so happy...

Well, almost everyone.

Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys lived their new lives with the utmost joy and happiness and seemed as if nothing could bring them down.

Sans, Asgore and Toriel also seemed happy and went about their lives happily enough...but Frisk couldn't help but feel that something still wasn't fully right...

She wasn't quite sure what was bothering Sans. He kept to himself these days usually and she hardly ever saw him aside from his videos. Although they did occasionally speak on the phone. She felt that maybe he was just still trying to adjust to life outside of the underground.

Frisk, however, was sure she knew why Asgore and Toriel had their own sorrows, even if they did their best to hide it. She could see it in their eyes. They were missing someone.

She knew who that someone was. She knew because she missed him too, even though she had only known him as himself for a very short time.


Frisk lay in her bed remembering him. She could still see him clear in her memory. A scared, lonely, sweet little Boss Monster that twice had sacrificed himself for the greater good of both humans and monsters. She could still hear him sobbing. She could still feel his warm soft embrace. She could still see him fading among the yellow flowers with tears in his eyes but holding his head high with a smile on his face. Afraid yet not regretful. Alone yet steadfast.

Frisk cried in her bed as she thought of how the kindest, sweetest of monsters couldn't live to see or enjoy the fruits of his labors. Not even his other form could. She had looked everywhere for Flowey but never found him. Not in the Underground, not on the Surface. Was he just observing everything from a distance? Did he truly pass away when the Barrier was shattered? Did he take his own life?

The thought of the best friend she almost never had ending his life brought a new wave of tears to her and she cried herself to sleep that night.


That Sunday, Frisk was feeling much better as she was reunited with her Six original companions. After the first greetings and hugs, the tents were set up. Frisk couldn't help laughing on how Papyrus, after erecting a perfectly pitched tent, scolded Sans for saying he was finished after placing a blanket in the passenger seat of Papyrus's red hot rod.


Sans shrugged his shoulders and said, "but bro, i always put my blanket in your car. that's tradition too, ain't it?"


This went on for some time.

Later, that evening, Asgore had suggested that they all walk to the summit of Mt. Ebbot to see the sunset. This was met with acclaim from Undyne and Papyrus and groans from Alphys. But in the end, all the "Magnificent 7" made their slow way up the slope of Mt. Ebbot and were panting as they watched the sun set between the City and the Mountains into the Sea. They all were enraptured by the view. It wasn't long before Alphys pointed out the first star that appeared in the sky. All the monsters and Frisk looked at the star and habitually made a silent wish in their hearts. Frisk had been wishing for the same thing time after time; that she could find Flowey and bring him home. But tonight, she made a different wish. She wanted to see Asriel. She wanted him to be standing here next to her and be reunited with his family. He had refused to come up and see his family the last time she saw him.

'Please, Star Bright. Please bring him back to his family. Bring him back to us. To me. We miss much.'

Eventually, the sun set in the sky and stars spread throughout the canopy of the Firmament. It was time to walk back. As they walked down the mountain, Frisk's thoughts were interrupted by a massive cracking sound and a blinding flash. When her ears stopped ringing and she could see again, Frisk could see the group hurrying down the mountain clamoring with confusion and anxiety. Toriel was holding Frisk's hand and made her way down as well, her other hand holding a small white flame. Sans was nowhere to be seen.

When the group made it down to the camp, they were greeted by a large circular mark of singed grass. Asgore, Alphys and Sans, who seemed to be the first one there somehow, were gazing on it intently. Papyrus seemed on guard. Undyne had a spear in her hands.

Just when everyone was starting to relax, a twig snapped in the forest surrounding the camp. Undyne rushed into the forest with a spear in hand with Papyrus following close behind.

"Show yourself!" she called out.

"W-wait! Undyne!!" Alphys called after her in worry.

Asgore walked into the forest with a massive globe of red fire in his hands. The light shone brightly into the forest and didn't catch fire to any of the trees.

"Alright now. Show yourselves." He said with both authority and calmness, even though he, himself, was nervous. "We mean you no harm."

Another twig snapped, followed by a hushed whisper.

"Please step into the light, so that we can know if you are here in peace."

Silence pervaded the forest until two voices spoke up.


"Is it really you??"

All attention snapped towards the edge of the lit clearing as two figures limped wearily into the red light.

Both were around 6 feet high, both tired and covered in mud, sweat and.... was that blood?? They were also dressed in what seemed to be, against all odds, Underground Armor usually worn by Monsters in the Royal Guard. It was in very poor condition and damaged.

One was a young human man who seemed only a few years older than Frisk. He was tired, afraid and walked with a noticeable limp but had a look of unbelief in his face. He held a broken sword in one hand and with the other supported his friend.

His friend was what brought gasps from the group. He was clearly not human. Covered in short white fur, matted with blood. He had a set of horns much like Asgore's but shorter. In fact, he was caprine in appearance, much like Asgore and Toriel. He looked up with a face full of shock and pain. Frisk probably was the only one who had seen him older than his child self, but Asgore and Toriel could recognize that face anywhere: Asriel Dreemurr, Prince of Monster kind, Alive.

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