A Bad Time

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Ray lay in his bed, feeling sick. His stomach was twisting and sweat dripped off his forehead. His family was worried that he had overheated himself in the sun or even somehow got a fever. He was given some tea to help soothe him. The tea actually did help him relax; his mind certainly cleared afterwards.

It wasn't illness that had stricken Ray. It was dread. Dread and a strong sense that he had to do something. He asked if he could talk to Sans. Frisk went to call him. She ended up being on the phone with Papyrus, who said, after shouting up to Sans that Ray the Human was ill and needed to speak to him, said that Sans was most likely asleep.

He wasn't.

He was in Ray's room, sitting next to him. He had teleported over as soon as he heard. Sans had a feeling that what Ray needed was important.

Ray wasn't surprised to see Sans appear in his room. He just apologized for bothering him.

Sans shook his head dismissively saying, "ehh forgedaboutit. what's buggin' you, kid?"

"Sans...there's something evil going on in the park..."

Ray told Sans what he saw in the park. He told him about the lying humans, the dark pillar, the other humans who clearly intended evil and-

"kid kid, relax, you're working yourself up. It's ok."

Ray lay in bed shivering and said, "Sans...I'm worried what they'll do...to her and to the City.."

Sans looked down and said nothing for a bit. Then he smiled and put a hand on Ray's hot forehead.

"don't worry yourself kiddo, it's not good for your Soul. I'm sure everything will work out just fine..."

The two suddenly heard Asgore and Frisk speaking in the hallway. Sans looked at Ray and winked, teleporting out of the home and vanishing.

A few seconds later, Asgore walked into the room, carrying in more tea and Frisk walked behind him.

"Ray," she said, "sorry but Papyrus just told me that Sans is not available..."

Ray closed his eye and breathed in deeply, looking more relaxed.

"It's ok...Things'll get better I'm sure."


Back at the park, the storm was right on top of the City. The sun was obscured by the clouds as the bright sky was swallowed up by the dark clouds. The land was darkening all around and the wind swirled the trees as the empty park awaited the onslaught of rain. The skyscrapers of Ebbot shown golden bright in the setting sun in contrast to the dark grey clouds that was their backdrop. Thunder rumbled and cracked but no rain had fallen yet. It was deathly quiet and the park was empty.

Suddenly a wail rang out in the park. There was evil at the Pillar.

A small tent had been erected next the pillar and more men had come. The clearing was being guarded by two men disguised as police officers. It was their job to keep away any random passersby. By the pillar, one man kneeled, muttering something under his breath. Two men sat nearby whispering to one another, lewd smiles and snickers on their faces as they watched the cameraman set up his camera for the upcoming scene.

Eventually, another man stepped out of the tent, in his hands he held a bloody scalpel and a small strip of flesh in his gloved fist. He carried it to the pillar, patiently awaited the man to finish his obeisance.

After the man finished and made a strange sweeping motion with his hand, he stood up and acknowledged the bloodied surgeon. "You know...if she screams again, someone could discover us..."

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