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Try to picture, if you will, what Reality is.

Now, what did you come up with?

Did you say that Reality is a place of physical matter where things can be described as real by what we can sense with our 5 senses?

Did you say that Reality is just an illusion that we must transcend?

Or did you, instead of answering the question, proceed to tell yourself why Reality exists?

Did you go ahead and vent to nobody in particular about how Reality is nothing but pain and how nothing you do makes a difference?

Did you say...

Imagine now, a place where all worlds, all timelines and all dimensions intersect. A place outside of Time, where indeed Time has nearly no meaning. No singular event happens there because, for something to have happened, something that wasn't that event would have had to happen before it. Everything happens there...every time someone goes in there, anyone who has gone in there is in there, too. Some for the first time. Some returning. Most as their one and final time after they have died.

That's why, if you go, if you ever go there after, the "first time" you and the "returning" you are in there at the same time.

However, this place is so mindnumbingly enourmous, the probability of meeting another version of you, or even of anyone else is very slim, unless you are called and you have an appointment with the residents...

This place is known by many names, but for the sake of the story, we will simply call it The Beyond.

And people do have appointments there. Of the many people that have...or will...or actually are in there right now, many are those who are shown somethings while they are still alive. These things, many times, are pictures of what would be called "the future" outside of the Beyond, or rather, within the Beyond, as every reality and every place are just little pockets of Physical Matter, Time and Division.

Most portals, wormholes, whatever you wish to call them, exist in a dimly lit hall in pale white light. The light is not blinding, neither is it barely existent. It simply is Light. And many "Mirrors" exist here.

Many people are shown things here, some are given Special Instructions to help preserve their individual timelines.

Most of the Residents of the Beyond are there to help. They admonish, warn, protect and watch over the inhabitants of all the timelines as their Lord has commanded them.

They are the Light Entities, occasionally accompanied by the Souls of those who have passed away.

However, not all beings in the Beyond are kind.

All Entities claim the Beyond as Home.

In one tiny little pocket of the Beyond (tiny by Beyond standards but maybe, if it were somehow measured by Physical Standards, it would be the size of a small planet...) lies a place where the twilight of the Hall of Mirrors and Portals (that's just what we will call it now, that isn't its real name) cannot penetrate. Outside of this Place is dead silence. No birds, no running water, no wind in the trees, no sounds of conversation, no strange sci-fi warbles or whirs that people think echo in these places for some reason. It's only silence. A wall of

Silence has been placed around this area for a reason, because, if you somehow pass this Spiritual Barrier, you will have almost wished you had never been able to hear. The

Screams that ring out from within are terrible to hear....

Many people think of Hell as a red pit with spurts of fire here and there while people either burn in pits or are impaled on thin black pillars that gleam either with blood or some other sickly substance. And, although that is not all what Hell is, there is some of that there. Most of it however was described well by a British prophet. It is simply a mass of nightmarish oneness. Countless souls writhe in pain and damnation above you, around you, under you, indistinguishable in their torment.

It is one Law in the Beyond that those who go to the Pit, as it is called there, must start by making their way through this mass of Pain. This means that any Dark Entity who "dies" or simply, is defeated by magic or decree in "reality" is immediately teleported into this bubbling mass of screams and melted bodies and the pain is unbearable. This is why all evil spirits dread being thrown into the Pit. Whether this was an unforeseen consequence of that Law being placed or whether that Law was put in place to intentionally punish the Dark Entities once they were caught (for a Dark Entity being defeated in the Physical World and being sent to Hell is the Beyond equivalent of a criminal being arrested and sent to prison.), we don't know. Personally, I favor the latter.

However, after a while, most Dark Entities can force their way through, especially if a mightier one calls upon them to accomplish some kind of task. It is a kind of bare spot that mighty Principalities discuss their plans for the Physical World. Two were meeting now.

Now, it should be said that Dark Entities are only invisible on the Physical World. It isn't that turn themselves invisible intentionally. Due to the different fabric of Reality they belong to, they can't be seen by Physical Eyes, not unless a great power has broken down barriers between the Physical or someone is shown them by an Entity or unless you yourself are a Resident of the Beyond and you can see them just as well as you can see everything else...Not that you'd actually want to see a Dark Entity. They aren't known for their good looks...

One was the Imp that had tried to establish a Hellish outpost on the City of Ebbot, foolishly without any backup.

The other was much larger and was craning its neck up into the Wall of Pain and Suffering and seemed like it was calling for something. Out of the Wall shot out a small little shadow that fell with a splat onto the ground. It lay there gathering itself until its shape finally condensed into a recognizable form.

It was the Shade that had tried to torment Frisk into Reseting the timeline. It was fortunate. It had spent very little time in the Wall. It was needed.

"Stop your groveling, snake, and report." Said the taller figure, impatient.

The Shade tried getting up, but when it took too long, the Other grabbed the Shade by the neck and brought it to its feet. The Imp rubbed its neck, remembering how the Skeleton had handled him much the same way.

The Shade gasped and said finally, "Failure...Asriel Dreemurr came..."

"And he defeated you?" The Other's voice ran red with fury.

"He-he wounded me, yes...but...it was the Skeleton...that finally banished me..."

The Shade was thrown down in disgust.

"Twelve times...Twelve times we've moved on Ebbot and its resources but each time...stopped by that insufferable Monster!"

The Imp sat, nervously not daring to speak while the Shade slithered away from the Other, snarling.

"We must send more in and this time...we go straight for that pathetic-!"

"M-master...we've tried that before. Three times...each assault repelled by him...It would be a failed attempt! Some of those in the raid are still in the Wall, I think..."

The Other sighed and was about to speak when a voice whispered behind him.


"He is correct..."

The dark mist that had been forming around the three Entities began to gather in one place into a tall pile of goo. A warbled voice came from the pile.

"It's become very clear now..."

The pillar began to develop patterns until arms began to grow out from the center and, on top, a white face appeared, still only half formed but the Voice much louder.

"Leave Sans to me!"

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