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Ray woke up the next morning feeling as if he were reborn. He opened his eyes to see Asriel asleep on the floor, curled up with a pillow. Frisk was asleep in a chair, her head lolled to the side. Sunlight streamed in through the east facing window and Ray could hear birds chirping: Cardinals twittering, Doves cooing and Starlings buzzing. Ray sat up as he tried to remember his dream. He knew it was important but as he awoke, it began to slip his mind.

Panic gripped him and he began to look around for a piece of paper. He saw a piece of paper on the stand next to him, a pencil just above it.

Not stopping to wonder why it was laid out so near the bed, Ray grabbed the paper and the pencil quickly and began to scribble down images and phrases before he forgot them.

Most of it didn't make sense to him, even less so as he wrote on and the dream began to fade.

"Power in the darkness...Go to the places of worship and look for the Watchers...He betrayed us...Never alone (not in the good way only!)...The shining man is afraid...Nothing is at it seems...Watch Frisk!...{Picture of the judgement hall}...{picture of the pillar}...{sketch of Ray's sword reforged}...{picture of Asriel and Frisk embracing...Asriel seems much younger than usual...he's also transparent?}...Sans knows..."

Ray dropped his paper and fell back, covering his face. He looked at the paper and read it over, his breathing getting fast and shallow. He grimaced, both at the atrocious handwriting and the dark messages that lay in the paper.

He hated wasn't fair! He was just beginning to get a normal happy life again with his family! Why did he always have to be put in these situations? He deserved a rest after the hell he and Asriel had been through.

He looked down at his brother asleep on the floor and looked at Frisk. He could guess what had happened. Asriel, due to both his spiritual makeup as a monster (being literally made of love, kindness, joy and all the rest) and his love for his brother, had stayed up watching over Ray. Frisk, worrying for Asriel, must have stayed as well, also probably wanting to watch her new sibling.

Ray smiled. It was good that Asriel and Frisk became so close. He of course didn't see what else was forming under the surface. Maybe nobody did just yet...not that soon.

He looked again at his paper of self-declared doom and crumpled it up, throwing it to the trash can. He silently double fisted the air. It landed perfectly.

The paper had knocked over a mug and the clang woke up Frisk, making her raise her head, her face wincing at the apparent crick in her neck.

She opened her eyes and saw Ray sitting up in his bed, awake. She got up and walked to him.

"You feeling better?" she asked, her voice quiet and ragged from just waking up.

Ray smiled and nodded, not wanting to talk just yet.

Frisk smiled back and noticed Asriel asleep on the floor. She sighed and smiled again, rolling her eyes, acting like she was mildly annoyed with Asriel's sleeping habits.

Ray smiled too, but in his heart, he felt that something was not quite right still. A nagging feeling came to him. What about what had happened yesterday? Did Sans do something last night? Ray felt like he had to make sure. But he wouldn't get pulled in. He couldn't. He had to leave things in more capable hands, like Sans and his family. He would just mess it up. His and Asriel's victory over the Killer back in their time was hard fought and barely had. He didn't even have a full sword.

Excuses and copouts ran through Ray's mind as he desperately tried to find some way to get out of having to deal with any more murderers and megalomaniacs.

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