Did you Really Think it was Over?

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After Sans appeared in the crowded room on that evening, the remaining anarchists were arrested and/or rushed to the emergency room.

The FBI appeared at the scene and asked Ray and all the other witnesses questions about the scenario and Ray especially was grilled with questions as to how he survived the encounter and what exactly happened.

Ray wisely said nothing about his magic and said simply that the would-be shooters all appeared to be zoned out and their actions must've been retarded by drugs.

The FBI left him alone after this statement and he was released and sent home.

He came home to find Frisk in a state of panic and worry, clutching Asriel. When he was told what happened, Ray held his two step-siblings close and didn't leave them until Asgore and Toriel returned home later that night. The two had arrived as soon as they could and they had been deathly afraid.

After a few hours of story-sharing, the children were sent to bed. Frisk asked if she could sleep in the boys' room and she was given a mattress to sleep on and some blankets.

That night, all the residents slept peacefully even in regards to what had happened that day.

Clouds rolled over the city once again, but no thunder or lightning came, just rain. Sweet peaceful rain that lulls you to sleep and refreshes the Earth.

In the middle of the night, a Fourth Person entered the children's room. He was not human, nor was he a monster. His face held a vigilant watch as he approached Ray with a small orb of colors in his hand.

When the Beyond means to show a Mortal something, they sometimes take them while still in the body and are shown incredible things. Other times, like what was happening to Ray, they are given orders and warnings and promises in dreams. The Light Entity held in his hand a collection of events that would be important for Ray to see.

He approached Ray and placed the Orb of events over his Soul and the orb disintegrated into it, like a program being uploaded into a hard drive. Ray's soul received the Message and, through a series of processes that are both spiritual and biological that science still does not fully understand, the message was shown to Ray in his dreams.


Ray found himself walking in a bizarre place. The Sun beat down on his head, but it didn't feel the same as it used to. Everything was very warm but not uncomfortably so. It was incredibly humid and all around Ray grew thick lush green grass that grew to his waist. Ahead of him was a small hut made of dried plant materials and clay. A horse was stabled near the hut, adorned with a strange metal bridle that seemed to fit comfortably in its mouth.

Out of the hut walked a man. Ray couldn't be sure of his age. He seemed quite young but the way he walked and acted suggested that he was old, very old. He didn't seem infirm, in fact he looked to be in the bloom of health. It was the wisdom in his eyes that made him appear ancient.

He walked around with a robe of tan wrapped around his body. The robe appeared to be some kind of leather made from the skin of some great Beast. However, the robe seemed only part made of some former mammal, as some of the patterns of the clothing still had the impression of scales reminiscent to a large reptile of some kind.

Ray didn't have much time to ponder this as he realized the Man was looking down a lane, little more than a dirt path between two cedar trees that were much larger than any cedars that Ray had ever seen; they grew up to 20 feet high!

A figure was running down the road to the Man's home. The figure wore a dark robe, almost black and was hooded so that his face remained hidden. The person was very tall and quite thin.

The Man seemed unafraid and casually leaned on a staff made of polished wood. He definitely recognized the figure running to him, but wasn't sure if he came with tidings of joy or ill.

The figure approached near and stopped its running and spoke, its voice holding little, if any, shortness of breath.

:Greetings, friend!: he stated. His voice thin but carrying both friendliness and seriousness in his tone.

"Ossa!" The Man said a slight smile on his face. "What brings you here, away from the Citadel?"

:I have come for two reasons; firstly to see how you are, as is my duty as your Bellua Protector and Friend and second of all to warn you to avoid the City.:

"What's happening in the City?" the Man asked, curious and mildly alarmed.

:It has been consumed by deception; unclean spirits have entered the city, asking for the women and drinks of the land to be given to them...Some men and their Bellui have wisely refused sanctuary for them, but many men in the City distrust the Bellui and, instead, throw their lot in with these...these ...Furia...:

Ossa said this last word with a growl in his voice and Ray could see that the figure's eyes began to glow.

:Enoch...: Ossa said, removing his hood. Ray gasped as Ossa turned out to be a Monster, and not just a monster, a tall regal looking Skeleton.

:Evil is approaching...:


Ray woke up, his eyes wide open. It was morning and Frisk and Asriel were still asleep.

Ray wondered what had awoken him when he heard his phone buzz on the counter next to him.

Straining, he reached for his phone and opened his texts messages.

Two unread texts from "Legendary Fartmaster".

'heya. hate to bug ya but it looks like we better get ready to go on our little trip soon.'

'tell Asriel too'

Ray looked at his brother and breathed deeply, realizing that their struggles with the Dark Entities was not over...

In fact, he could see now that it had only just begun...





The tale will continue in the next story; Undertale – Promises.

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