Fight Me!

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That afternoon, everyone broke up camp and all the tents and food were packed up into the cars.

Frisk was excited to hear that Sans and Alphys were both going to be around more often with the original group. Apparently, Alphys had been able to convince her peers that her research and experiments could be conducted at home without much hassle.

Sans could of course be a YouTuber anywhere. He decided though that he would be doing more vlogs, since people wanted to see how an average day went with the Monsters; also, this allowed him to spend more time with his friends and family.

Frisk thought of how not only was everyone going to be closer but....She looked at Asriel. She was happy to have Him back with those that loved him.

Asriel was talking to Asgore and Toriel about something and seemed like his discussion with them was very private indeed. He was using his arms to extenuate his points and made several gestures towards where Ray sat.

Ray was sitting apart from the group and was alone, until Undyne walked up to him and started talking to him...


Ray was sitting on a flat rock, wondering about his future. Surely Asriel would move in with his family...but since Asgore and Toriel were no longer together, which would he live with? 'Also', Ray wondered, 'what will happen to me? Will I be able to stay with Asriel? Will this dimension's Dreemurrs accept me?'

His thoughts were interrupted by a tall shadow looming over him.

"Hey you." A gruff voice said.

Ray recognized the voice and looked up and asked, "Yeah, Undyne? What can I do for you?"

Undyne stood with her arms crossed, glaring at Ray curiously. "Someone told me that you and I duel a lot in your...other world."

Ray nodded. "A bit, yeah. Why you ask?" 'Oh boy....'

Undyne looked down at Ray. "You good at it?"

Ray snorted. Undyne looked confused, if maybe a little offended.

"Well...I don't know. I'm okay I guess." He smiled at the warrior towering above him.

"What? You bored?" he challenged.

Undyne grinned. "Are you?"

Ray smirked and slowly stood up, cracking his knuckles as he did so.

He reached his hand out as if he were asking her for an arm wrestle. Undyne was impressed. An old Royal Guard gesture. Maybe this kid did know a thing or two.

She reached out and reciprocated the gesture. The two had their arms embraced for a moment...

Suddenly, with an ear-shattering "NGAAHHHH!", Undyne threw Ray up in the air at a small arc!

The other monsters looked at the shout and saw Ray flying through the air towards the forest.

All the onlookers gasped and made to protest at this and some expressed concern for Ray for his inevitable painful landing.

All that is except Asriel and Sans who looked on with expectant smiles and amused grins respectively.

Undyne yelled in victory at her apparent victorious move when she heard laughter echo from the shadow of the trees. She looked at where she expected to see Ray laying on the ground in shock. Instead, she saw slide marks that led to where he was standing, unscathed with an amused look on his face. He was walking back casually, with his sword in his hand.

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