No Water

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"The Holy Land? What is that?" Asriel asked perplexed and curious beyond description.

"it's the birthplace of nearly all monotheistic religions on earth" Sans said.

The blank looks on Asriel and Ray told Sans they had no idea what he meant.

"basically, if a human believes in only one God, whatever religion he or she is in, it started in the holy's a hotspot for pilgrims all over the world"

"...And why do we need to go?" Ray asked. "We don't believe in those religions..."

Sans sighed and said, "well, there are actually several reasons. 1) I've got a lot of friends that I work with online, and one of them lives in Jerusalem, which is considered one of the most holy of cities since all the main religions i mentioned have claimed important foundations of their beliefs happened or were taught there. Anyway, my friend told me something very interesting and i decided that i would drop by and see what the big deal was about. 2) The three main religions here, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all started over there and, since we're trying to figure out the history and beliefs behind the different types of mindsets these beliefs make, where better to research that than Jerusalem, the City that has holy landmarks important to all three? Finally, 3) ... we need to..."

"Why?" asked Asriel.

Sans looked at Ray and quoted, "'Go to the places of worship and find the Watchers...'"

Ray pursed his lips and nodded. "It was in my dream..."

Asriel nodded. "Dreams can be very powerful things, Ray...Sometimes they can be little beacons of light that we can remember when we struggle; when life gets hard, we have our dreams to remember and cherish. They can also show us what waits for us in the future..."

Ray wrung his hands. He thought silently to himself then said, finally, "Ok should we start to pack?"

"we're not leaving just this moment, Ray" Sans chuckled. "we need to go, but we don't have to go just yet. In'd probably be best if we wait a moment until we get more news...still waitin' on an update from my pal over there so that gives us some time"

Ray and Asriel nodded.

"Now...concerning those Bad don't have to worry about them just yet. There ain't a lot of 'em around here"

"Why's that, Sans?" Ray asked.

Sans shrugged. "welp...let's just say...if they ever do show up around here..." Sans' eyes darkened. "they have a bad time...cause, y'see...unlike most people, I can see them, clear as day; little slivers of dark magic and evil harassing humanity and whispering to each other, plotting the downfall of both monsters and humans..." Sans' eyes brightened after he finished this statement.

"How can you see them, and we can't? Can only monsters see them?" Ray asked.

"I haven't seen any dark magic beings, if that's what you're asking, Ray." Asriel replied.

"makes sense," Sans said. "not even most monsters can see them fully. But, all monsters have a kind of sense to them. Az, have you ever felt...protective of any humans? Like that you had to watch over them and protect them from...something?"

Asriel lowered his head nervously and anxiously drew a line in the dirt with his white foot.


Sans stood, waiting for a less vague answer, more for Ray's benefit than his own.

Asriel continued on. "Well, I've always been protective of you, Ray. You're my brother and...if anything were to happen to you...I don't know what I would do..."

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