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My entire body shook with rage as I looked down the Judgement Hall. There stood the first human I had seen in years, aside from myself. Questions and Accusations ran through my mind as I watched my fellow creature approach us. So, this was humanity...A race of unfeeling murderers who's only source of worth seemed to be in ruining others' peace and happiness. I fingered the sword strapped to my side. I had never used it on others except in duels with Undyne. I gripped the handle of my pistol. I had never shot it at anything other than jars and plates. Now it looked like all that was about to change. All the years of playful jousting and marksman competitions would have to be used to kill.

I looked at my brother. He was filled with just as much rage as me. His body shook with anger and sorrow, his white fur along his neck raised in fury. His horns had been sharpened. He held bright globes of fire in his hands. He was also levitating. I hadn't seen Asriel like this before. But then again, we had never experienced death of our loved ones. We had never seen our royal parents hold each other in sorrow and fear and disappear into dust along with everyone else we loved. Asriel, the former Prince, now turned King of Monsters looked at me, smiled and said two words I will never forget.

"For Life."

I looked up at him, summoned my shield and unholstered my sidearm. I cocked the slide, loading it and solemnly nodded.

The Killer was approaching. Blood and Dust trailed behind it as it shambled towards us, breathing raggedly. The beauty of the Judgement Hall was dimmed by the presence of the Evil Thing. As I prepared myself, I looked at my brother and answered,

"For Life...."


The killer finally walked into our presence. It was breathing heavily, arms dangling at its sides motionless; one of its hands gripped a large knife. It looked up at us and I was amazed to see the face of the Enemy. A little girl. It looked at me and Asriel with an almost indescribable mixed expression of frustration and hate.

I thought for a moment whether it was right to kill this being. But the memories of the underground filled with dust ran through my mind and I knew what I had to do.

Acting fast, I aimed my pistol at the creature and fired off two shots.

Amazingly, the creature ran behind a pillar and stayed there. Did it know what a gun was, maybe? Probably.

I kept the gun sighted on the pillar until I saw its face lean out of cover. On its face was plastered a hideous grin and I could see the creature was mocking me.

Enraged, I fired more rounds at the creature but it always seemed to know exactly when to duck back into the cover of the pillars.

This process of Hide and Seek went on until I had only three rounds left in my gun.

Losing patience, Asriel summoned a massive star and threw it, shimmering, at the pillar, destroying it.

Out of the rubble of the pillar came to creature, screaming at the top of its lungs.

Holstering my gun, I pulled out my sword and prepared for the attack.

Asriel also summoned two flat bladed swords. I would've noticed the sudden use of new abilities in Asriel and would've asked about them as well if we hadn't been so occupied.

The creature attacked me first, bringing the knife down fast. I blocked it with my shield and swung with my blade, seeking to slash the creature against its chest.

Somehow, it seemed like it knew I would do this and it jumped back from me after its initial charge failed and turned its attention to Asriel.

It leaped up with speed and strength I had never seen before and swung its blade with demoniac fury at him.

Undertale  - A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now