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"BROTHER!" Papyrus called in the small apartment.


Sans chuckled to himself and walked down the stairs, carrying the bag that he had spent all night packing and worrying over. He knew that the Big Day was Today. He knew more than his young brother did, in fact. Little Papyrus was still too young to do this and the exact nature of Sans' appointment with Wingdings Gaster was unknown to the small skeleton.

Sans patted his brother on the head and smiled widely as he made his long walk to the Laboratory, the machinery of Hotland rumbling and the Core sighing in the distance.

On the way to the Laboratory, Sans wondered to himself what awaited there for him. Gaster had said that today, Sans would "step into his anointing". Now, what that meant, Sans was not quite sure. What he was sure, however, was that today he would venture into the Beyond for the first time.

The thought filled him with excitement. He had heard his father talk about the Beyond and the Bright Ones there that talked to him. It was the Bright Ones that had directed the Monsters' early days of migration into Home and New Home, after a massive disaster had befallen the Humans on the Surface.

And today, Sans would meet them! Something within his Soul was trembling, whether through fear or excitement, Sans couldn't be sure.

Gaster had left early while the two were still asleep and had called Papyrus to request that he send Sans on his way.

Now Sans was walking into the Royal Laboratory and, looking up, he saw his father standing in the doorway leading to the True Lab. He was wearing a strange white robe and had a look of pride on his face.

"Son," he said. "Today's the First Day of the rest of your life."

Sans smiled nervously. "Yeah, awesome..."

Gaster smiled. "So tense..."

Gaster took Sans by the hand and led him down into the True Lab.

In the Lab, Sans felt his Soul grow heavy with each step they took until he saw in front of him, a Portal; a Door into the Beyond was already open.

"We are expected," said Gaster, answering Sans' mental question.

"Step through, Son."

Sans' bones rattled as he began to hesitantly walk to the Portal.

He hesitated in front of the portal as his father observed his actions.

Taking a deep breath, Sans walked through...

Instantly, Sans found himself in a dimly lit hall filled with other portals. His soul was filled with...something. He had a bizarre feeling of-.

"Welcome Home, Sans." Gaster said behind him.

Sans looked at his Father who seemed to glow with a strange white light and his eyes glowed with white fire.

"Dad? What do you mean-home?"

Gaster led Sans further down the Hall to where the Light seemed to originate and he explained.

"Every being that has a Soul belongs here, in the Beyond and it is here that all Souls journey to once their bodies have been destroyed or rendered useless. This is the Afterlife, Sans: the destination of all Souls: the True Home of any sentient being."

"Are we dead??" Sans asked in a panic.

Gaster chuckled. "No, Son. Some are permitted to travel a little ways into the Beyond while still alive and in the body."

Undertale  - A Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now