Another Introduction

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My family all scolded me in their own way after the encounter with Undyne. Toriel told me how she was gravely worried that I had both hurt myself and hurt Undyne too seriously (although any damage done was too much for her.). Asgore told me how he didn't want me to be picking fights with monsters. However, he did seem like he was proud of me nonetheless for being brave. Torigal was furious that I had even fought someone and couldn't seem to decide on who she was more angry at: me for fighting Undyne or Undyne for fighting me or, even, at herself for sleeping through the whole thing. Asriel told me that he understood why I did what I did but he still told me that I should've been more patient and waited until either I or him had gotten better at fighting. To my surprise, it seemed like the biggest embarrassment to him was that he didn't fight with me against Undyne. I consoled him in this.

"Asriel, there will be other fights. I'm a human in a monster world. Next time a real fight comes up, you can be by my side, bro." Asriel hugged me after that. He's a real hugger.

The next place me and Asriel explored was at the Dump at the bottom of Waterfall. I was looking through the trash. I usually did this to see if there was any relics from my old life that I would remember seeing. But this time, I found something different. Digging through an avalanche of refuse, my hand gripped something hard and it seemed to fit in my hand easily. Pulling my hand out, it came up with a small, metal thing with a trigger and a grip. I recognized it as a gun. A human gun. I felt a strange feeling echo through me. A feeling akin to how I felt when I first held my sword, but also different. The sword, I had told myself, was a normal thing to carry down here. Many monsters carried different kinds of knives and daggers and the like. This gun though...was different. Firearms were seen as entirely human inventions, meant for physical damage and, as far as could be told, incapable of being made with magic. It was, blatantly, a weapon only a human would use.

As I held the weapon in my hand, I did not notice Asriel walking up behind me.

"Watcha got there, Ray?"

I turned quickly, still holding the gun in my hand. Asriel saw the weapon and gasped.

"What-Where did you find that Ray?"

I pointed to the pile of garbage I had just climbed down from. "In there..."

After some deliberation on what to do with the gun, I suggested we see the Head Royal Scientist and ask him how it operates. Asriel seemed willing to do this but he seemed nervous. I assured him that I wouldn't hurt anyone with it, and I meant it.

After we walked for not too far, we found ourselves at the laboratory on the western edge of Hotland. Asgore had shown me and Asriel around here several times and we knew the head Scientist. Hopefully he wouldn't be too busy.

We both walked in and were told by a young, yellow lizard – monster that the head Scientist was in the middle of an experiment but would be up soon to see to his royal visitors. So, me and Asriel sat down on some chairs and rested for a bit. When the young assistant left and no one else seemed to be around, I pulled out the gun and gazed on it with curiosity.

We waited for a long while, but eventually, we heard a hissing sound and, looking up, I saw the head scientist come through the door.

The door was expelling some hot steam which shrouded the opening of the door. I saw a tall, slender silhouette take up most of the door's entrance.

He was carrying a notepad along with an odd kind of laser pointer. He was dressed in a black suit that trailed down to his legs in a double tail and wore a narrow set of glasses. He was also skeletal in form, although his face was much more smoothed out and looked like a pill with a thin smile and two small yet bright eyes fixed in it.

"Ahh yes, the royal visitors..." he said gracefully enough. Clearly, he had been working on something downstairs but he seemed to be glad enough to take a break from whatever labor he had been doing.

He gazed at us two. "Asriel and Ray Dreemurr...what brings you here today?"

We both stood up and I held my newfound item forward, careful not to put my finger on the trigger.

"We found this in the Dump in Waterfall," Asriel said.

The Scientist held the gun curiously, examining it. "And what did you want to know about this? It is a human gun, but there is not much to tell, I'm afraid."

I felt embarrassed for troubling Dr. Gaster, but I decided to speak up anyway. "We-I was wondering...if it was still in working order..."

Gaster gazed at me with a deep expression. "Now why would you want this weapon? Do you feel you danger?"

Asriel looked at me with the same question in his face. Obviously, he was wondering that, too.

To be honest, I wasn't sure why. I felt safe enough, even after my encounter with Undyne. I told myself that it was just a silly idea: maybe just to shoot plates with for fun.

But...something in me winced at this question. Did I feel threatened? No! Of course not! Nearly every monster in the Underground was my friend, or at least respected me. They wouldn't dare...

But what if I wasn't afraid of monsters attacking? What if I was afraid of...?

Either way though, I felt like it was mine. Just like the sword. I felt...drawn to them, as if they were meant to be mine and had to be used by me sometime...

Gaster looked at me in a rather creepy way until his head snapped up as if he heard someone calling for him. He looked as if he were listening to something for a while and then nodded to an unheard question.

He pointed across the hall and spoke up, "Children, let me introduce you to my sons,"

I looked around behind me and saw two skeletons walking down the hall. One was skinny, like his father, yet had a more angular face than him. He seemed to be younger than me and Asriel, but he walked with his head held high and had a confident manner. He was wearing a brown clean shirt with shorts of much the same make and heavy boots to...well, boot. He also wore a crimson scarf around his neck.

The other skeleton was much more broader and seemed older than both his brother and me and Asriel. He had a much smoother skull and wore a blue-grey jacket along with dark grey pants and what looked like to be moccasins. He walked with his hands in his pockets and seemed to be a laid-back character. He was the skeleton that I had seen in the streets after my fight with Undyne. My heartbeat raced.

Gaster walked to his two sons and placed a hand on both of their shoulders.

Proudly, he said, "Dreemurr children, allow me to introduce you to my sons, Sans and Papyrus."

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