Gathering Darkness

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That Day started like most days.

I woke up happy.

I was ready to face the day, I thought. I washed myself, put on some clean clothes and ran out of my room to see if anyone else was up. Mom would be up maybe but it was early in the day; everyone would probably be asleep or just now stirring. But it was ok. I woke up happy...

I strapped on my sword and holstered my gun and walked out of New Home towards the Royal Laboratory where I was planning on practicing shooting my gun some more.

It was almost five years after that day I had first met Gaster's Sons for the first time and when I had found my gun. Since then, I had been studying it and learning as much about my device as I could.

I had learned that to shoot it, it required brass cases filled with "gunpowder" and covered in a copper or lead point which would be the projectile or "bullet" that would shoot out.

After scrounging around in the Dump and Mines throughout Waterfall for a few months, I found the raw materials for the cartridges. Me, Dr. Gaster and Sans (me and him grew to be quite close over the years) worked to fashion some cartridges. We only had enough brass to make 10 cartridges; enough to fill the "magazine" once. Only ten shots and then I would have to make more. However, a book fell into the underground into the dump just a few days later. The human book said that one could recycle the cartridges if one held on to the leftovers stringently.

Long story short, even though I always had enough materials for only ten shots in my gun, I never ran out of ammo. It certainly helped that I hardly ever shot it. I still felt like it should only be used sparingly and a part of me still felt strange carrying it on me around the Underground.

I walked along until I made it to the Laboratory where the makeshift gun range was. I didn't know at the time why Gaster and Sans both encouraged me to practice so much. It seemed weird to me that they would arm a human in their presence. In fact, as time went on, Gaster seemed more and more anxious when I didn't show up to the range and even Sans, relaxed individual that he was, would constantly encourage me to not only practice shooting the gun but also to duel with Undyne.

In fact, just earlier that same year, Sans had done something very odd. He had taken it upon himself to secretly teach me magic. It had been a boring day and I had carelessly tried to jump across a gorge in Hotland to get to the other side when I had tripped on a pipe and nearly fell into the Core.

Suddenly I was pulled up and back and put down on the ground. I looked up and saw Sans standing above me with a smile on his face but I could see that he had had a scare all the same, seeing me fall in.

"better be more careful out here kid, 's a long way down"

That was the first time I had ever seen Sans use magical psychokinesis and I was amazed. No other monster I had met had any abilities like that. I asked him how he could do it and he said simply, "long story".

I said something along the lines of, "Wow, I wish I could do that."

Sans looked at me with an interesting expression and asked something strange. "Do you really mean that?"

I looked at him and said, "Yeah I do..." Then I brightened. "Do you think you could teach me that?"

Sans looked like an idea had suddenly struck him and he embraced the idea almost immediately, saying that he probably could, which was a definite yes in disguise I could tell.

Other the next several months, I had been training fighting skills with Undyne, shooting skills with my gun and even magic with Sans.

Now, I can't say exactly how Sans taught me magic, because he made it VERY clear to me that what I was about to learn was extremely confidential and secret information and that if I told anyone that I was even learning magic, much less the kind of magic I was learning and how, the results would be disastrous. Not "Could". "Would". As in "Guaranteed Disaster if someone finds out".

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