But Nobody Came

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'Is this the end?'

I sat on a stone ledge as I watched the Capital evacuate and the Royal Guard ran through the streets; some aiding in the evacuation, some heading west to support their comrades. I saw fear in those streets as I had never seen before. Monster children were crying, mothers clutching onto them (those that could anyway) worried that they would soon be the Human's next victims, the fathers walked behind, looking over their shoulders making sure their families were safe.

It was two hours since Gaster had been killed.

Alphys had gotten in touch with Undyne.

Sans had disappeared.

I had run off to alert the Royal Guard to the creature's presence.

After rousing the guard and running up into the castle, my family had already gotten word of what happened and I was greeted with Torigal holding me close. She had been so scared...

After some tears were shed and the family had made plans on how to hide everyone in some of the smaller hidden tunnels outside the Capital, me and Asriel had said that we would help with the evacuation. As it turns out there wasn't much that we could help with except to be there. The presence of the Prince among his people seemed to help calm the monsters a bit and Asriel would speak words of encouragement to any fearful ones.

I could see that they appreciated it but I knew my brother. He was scared just like all the others.

As the evacuation went on, I decided to call Alphys and see what was going on with the Invader.

I called her on Asriel's cell phone.

*Ring Ring*

...But nobody came...

I began to feel concerned. I gave the phone to Asriel and voiced my concern.

"Alphys isn't answering her phone."

"That's not good," Asriel said worriedly.

"Maybe I should go check on her." I suggested.

Asriel seemed unsure. "Mom and Dad said that we have to stay in the Capital."

I was determined though. "Asriel, something's not right. We can't just forget the monsters in Hotland."

Asriel seemed unsure.

"I could use the Secret Tunnel. It would put me right under the lab, by the river."

Asriel looked at me and said, "Okay, but you're not going alone."


The Tunnel was a small, seemingly pointless hole in the wall by one of the many elevators leading to the Capital. It fell down, down, down until it joined a small subterranean stream

that made the last bit like a water slide until with a sudden SPLASH, it planted you in the River. Sometimes you could see the RiverMan/RiverWoman there in their boat, "tra-la-la-ing "to them self.

Me and Asriel climbed out of the River and ran up the stairway that led to the lab. We hurriedly ran into the lab and looked at the screen. The cameras were still focused on the creature. It was wandering through Hotland. That meant...

"We have to see more. Did Undyne ever face it??" I asked myself.

I tried to type a command into the keyboard but my fingers slid across the keys. I grunted in frustration.

"Damn thing is so dusty I can't-"


My hands froze.

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