Hi! I'm Deadpool, the Merc with The Mouth. I was designed by people, to kill other people! It's not MY fault, those chuckleheads at Weapon X didn't know what they were making, ME. They're the ones who made me a killer. Sure, I killed people before, but that was for good things. Weapon X made me do bad things. Really bad things. Like, really, really, REALLY, bad things. There was this one time where this guy--(HEY! You're getting off topic) You're right. I should stay on task. ((Oh, c'mon! I LOVE this story!)) He has a point. (NO. You have an audience here, you should pay them some respect.) ((Screw the audience! And screw you to! Do you have any idea how ANNOYING you are?!)) (And do you know how many times I've saved both your asses?) You have a point too. Y'no what? &%$* the intro. Let's dive right into the story, like me most Friday nights...
Hey guys, those who aren't familiar with Deadpool, you should know he is schizofrenic
(Hi! I'm one of the voices, the one that actually thinks things through)
((Waddup! I'm the other voice, and y'no what I say..? %@$& IT!!))
Deadpool kills Hitler
RandomHi! I'm Deadpool. Most of you have probably heard of me, but, there's always that ONE FRICKIN PERSON who hasn't EVER heard of ME! Which I find very surprising, seeing as in the title of this book, I WAS THE ONE TO KILL HITLER!! (Spoiler alert) HE DI...