Hitler's Office

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(Cable definitely made our presence known, blowing down the office doors)

Deadpool: What the hell was that about?!?!

Cable: I came here to help you kill Hitler, not sneak around like some @&$#in'$&%*

Deadpool: Fine, we'll go in guns blazing, with a chance of death

Silver: Shut up, you'll come back

Deadpool: But you won't. That's why I wanted to take the safe route, you won't come back if you die

Silver: Wow so you actually have a deep side to you

Deadpool: Yeah yeah, enjoy it while it lasts

Steve: Will you two just shut up? We need to get going. Hitler probably knows we're here

Deadpool: Kiss my ass

Colossus: Enough! (slaps Deadpool and sends him flying across the room) We need to get going, and we can afford to leave you behind

Silver: I'm not going if he isn't

Steve: Are you serious?

Silver: Yes. I am. 

Steve: Do you have any idea of the stuff he's done?

Silver: Yes I actually do. I did my research on him, like I did on you, and everyone else in this group. I know that you're only so special because you had chemicals put into you, and suddenly made you stronger and faster and bigger. Everyone else here is unfit to lead me into battle, so I am staying here until he wakes up

Steve: Fine, have it your way (begins to walk out of the room and up the stairs, and soon everyone else follows)

Silver: (walks over to Deadpool who is unconscious, takes one of his hands, and says quietly) Please wake up soon

Deadpool: (groaning with pain) ha. Gotcha

Silver: (smiles) I guess you did

Deadpool: Wow look at that! You actually have the ability to smile!

Silver: Oh shut up

Deadpool: It's not a bad thing. It makes you look like you actually enjoy people from time to time

Silver: (blushes) Thanks

Deadpool: So yeah, I think I'm gonna rest here for a bit and heal up. Quite a bit is damaged. Lungs, stomach, ribs, legs, and I also think my brains a bit damaged, but can't be sure. It's already messed up pretty bad

Silver: Sounds like we'll be here a while then (lays down next to Deadpool and wraps his arm around her shoulders, resting her head against his)

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