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(Well, something unexpected happened on our little journey through Auschwitz. We found.......................................... JAPANESE PEOPLE!! I mean, the Japs were on the Nazi's side, right? Why would they imprison their own allies?)

Silver: Deadpool?

Deadpool: Yes dear?

Silver: Please, don't say that

Deadpool: Ok... sweetie

Silver: That either

Deadpool: What should I call you, then?

Silver: My name will be fine

Deadpool: That's a mouthful. "My name will be fine". What kind of name is that?

Silver: Deadpool! Now is not the time for games

Deadpool: It's always time for games! Games are fun!

Silver: These people aren't Japanese

Deadpool: They're not?

Silver: No. They're Russian. I still don't understand how you got confused between the two

Deadpool: That's because I'm thinking of Koreans

Silver: Again, how do you get confused between the two?

Deadpool: They're two countries who have the worlds largest amount of nuclear weapons

Silver: Actually, Korea isn't one of the leading countries

Deadpool: Then how did I get confused between the two?


Deadpool: Holy $&%*, calm yourself woman! 

Silver: Be quiet

Deadpool: But you're the one screa--

Silver: Shh!

(We stayed quiet and listened, and heard footsteps marching toward us. We hid in a dark corner as a troop of Hydra soldiers passed. there was something about one of them, something familiar, then Silver jumped out and started hacking and slashing. She got through all but one, when I put my blade in.)

Deadpool: Wait!

Silver: What now?

Deadpool: I know this soldier

Silver: You do?

Deadpool: Yes. Let me show you...

(We pulled off the helmet and it was............................................................................................................................................................................................. not Bob)

Deadpool: Nevermind. Kill him

Silver: Done

(Once Silver finished, we heard a heavy panting coming down the hall. And now, finally, after me toying with you guys, was the one... the only....................................... BOB!!)

Deadpool: Bob, you ding-a-ling!! Let me play with you

Bob: What?

Deadpool: Of course you're behind the troops, you lazy piece of... poo (thought we were gonna say &#$^, right?)

Bob: I'm sorry Mr. Deadpool, they made me carry all their weapons

Deadpool: Did you say... ALL... their weapons?

Bob: Yes...? Why?

Deadpool: Daddy Deadpool has an idea..... and it's not going to be pretty

Deadpool kills HitlerWhere stories live. Discover now