Chapter Ten

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A/N: Can we just talk about the Guy.EXE video?? I'm still not over it! And the dildo in the jar! XD I mean, Mitch was trying to make the perfect man so I guess that part is pretty important. ; )
Thank you for all the love! I appreciate every single comment I get but I don't always know how to reply so I'm not ignoring you. 

         Mitch and Scott hadn't talked since that day in Mitch's room. Scott knew something else had caused it and he could see how depressed Mitch was. It had only been three days since Mitch yelled at him. Scott had noticed how Mitch seemed to have a hard time sitting. He would wince every time he sat down and squirm around. He also only wore loose clothing. He hardly ever looked up and Scott hadn't even heard him speak since that day. He didn't know if Mitch was actually mad at him. He didn't try talking to him because Mitch said to leave him alone. He wanted to confront Mitch about his outburst but knew he needed some time alone.

He also knew that spending some time apart would help the rumors die down. He hated thinking that way but knew it was needed. He didn't want people to continue thinking he was gay or there was something going on between him and Mitch. Not being around each other would kill those rumors. Him and Avi had worked things out. He apologized for snapping at the other and Avi explained that he didn't mean to upset Scott. He also let him know that he really didn't care what Scott identified as and if he says he's not gay then he believes him.

Mitch hadn't done much other than go to class and sleep. He went to meals every now and then but didn't have much of an apetite. It was really just to keep from starving to death although he wasn't sure why he really cared anymore. His dad's newest threat really stuck with him and he did what he had to in order to stay away from Scott. The only thing he was worried about was working at the library. He most likely would be working with Scott again. He didn't want to work somewhere else because he felt safe in the library. Even when people who didn't like him came in they left him alone. Everyone was afraid of Mrs. Wallace so they behaved in the library.

Mitch kept his head down as he worked on his math problems. There wasn't much chance of anything happening in class. The school was pretty strict when it came to disruptions in class. Mitch wished they cared as much about the students as they did their lessons. Mitch felt a piece of paper hit his shoulder and bounce on to the floor. He tried to ignore it but a second paper ball hit him in the head. He turned to see who it was but didn't see anyone looking up. He sighed and went back to working on his math just to be hit with another ball of paper. He chose to grit his teeth and ignore whoever it was. He wasn't going to risk getting in trouble in class for anything. If the teacher happened to look up he wanted her to see that the other person was the only one to blame.


At the end of the school day, Mitch was beyond happy to go to his room. His day had been horrible. He was picked on left and right and it seemed like the teachers weren't doing anything on purpose. Maybe they hate him as much as the students do. Mitch had been distracted too much in science class and got a warning which his dad would surely hear about. Mitch got to his room and threw his book bag on to the floor before going to change out of his uniform. He changed into one of his oversized shirts before crawling in bed.

He hadn't done much since his punishment mostly because he couldn't do much. He looked forward to the end of the day when he could take his pants off and put on a large shirt. He groaned when there was a knock on the door. Before he could get up to put on sweat pants and answer it, the door opened. Mitch pulled the hem of his shirt down to cover himself more. His dad stood in front of him with an angry expression. Then again, his dad always looked angry to him.

"Why are you dressed like that? Put some pants on," his dad ordered. Mitch rushed over and grabbed a pair of sweat pants. His cheeks were bright red as he pulled them on. He stood still once his lower half was covered. His dad stared at him with his arms crossed. Mitch hated when his dad just stared but knew it was the man's way of intimidating.

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