Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: So I guess we're moving in with my aunt. I don't know though because she's going back and forth on allowing us to right now. We still don't have water. My aunt is mad because my cousin's girlfriend and her daughter are moving in with them too. She doesn't like his girlfriend (mostly just because she's overweight) so she's been in a bad mood. We're going to see about her letting us live there temporarily until we get a mobile home. So we'll see. I really want this to work out because I'm ready to get out of here. Plus I'll be back with my older sister and my best friend.

Beau kissed up and down Mitch's chest, hands roaming his body. Mitch wasn't really in the mood but he also didn't want to stop Beau. He had initiated this because he wanted a distraction. School had started back up which meant everyone was back. All of the assholes who had been tormenting him from the start hadn't changed over summer. And him and Scott spent most of their time together. He was still constantly looking over his shoulder but his dad wasn't around him as much. It didn't mean his dad wasn't watching. He hadn't been called to his dad's office yet so he figured he hadn't realized he was hanging out with Scott. Or that he was sleeping with Beau.

He heard Beau sigh and it broke him from his thoughts. He looked up to see Beau staring down at him with knowing eyes. "What are you thinking about?" Beau asked, still laying on top of Mitch.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just not really in the mood. I just wanted a distraction." Mitch confessed, feeling bad. Beau leaned down and kissed Mitch before rolling off of him.

"What do you need a distraction from?" Beau asked, wrapping his arms around Mitch's waist. Mitch felt bad for stopping Beau. He knew the man probably didn't want to stop but he appreciated him doing so.

"Scott is back and I'm just worried about what my dad will do if he catches us together. And there's the possibilites that he'll find out about us. And the assholes are back to making my life hell." Mitch told him. Beau knew a little about Mitch's life. The teen hadn't told him much because it might make Beau not want to be with him.

"You're dad hasn't been around much, right?" Beau was nervous about the man, too. If he's caught with Mitch he'll lose his job. He also knew it wouldn't end well for Mitch. He didn't know much about Mitch's relationship with his dad but he knew enough to know it was abusive.

"No, he hasn't been which makes me more nervous." Mitch wasn't sure if his dad was watching from a distance.

"I get it," Beau shrugged a little. "But You can't let him control your life anymore." Mitch knew Beau was trying to help even though those words didn't. He also knew that Beau was right.


Mitch sat with Jeffree at dinner. He had to go back to his room and do his homework. He had gone to Beau right after classes which he knew he shouldn't have. He felt bad that he didn't give Beau what he wanted but the man didn't seem to be upset with him. Jeffree understood the agreement Mitch and Scott had about meal times. Mitch was happy when Jeffree was around because he didn't allow people to mistreat Mitch. The brunette listened to Jeffree talk. He wasn't paying much attention but understood the other was ranting about some "bitch who needs to learn her place."

Mitch kept looking over at Scott. He was laughing hard at something which made Mitch smile a little. He loved Scott's laugh. The blond was talking through his laughter and waving his hand at Kirstin who was sitting across from him. She was still talking animatedly, her hands moving around as she laughed through her words.

"It's not my fault she looks like a troll." Jeffree wrapping up his rant got Mitch's attention. He wasn't sure who Jeffree had been talking about. He felt kind of bad for not listening.

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