Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: I'm kinda nervous about this chapter. I hope you all like it!

         Scott and Mitch had talked pretty much all day every day since talking on Twitter. Mitch found himself talking to Beau more about Scott and the man seemed to get a little jealous. For some reason it made Mitch want to smile. He enjoyed knowing that Beau wanted him so badly that he got jealous when Scott was brought up. But he also didn't want things to be awkward when Scott got back to school on Monday.

Mitch was laying on Beau's bed playing around on his phone. Beau was in the shower since he had just gotten back from a run. Mitch heard the water shut off and he felt a little excited. They hadn't fooled around for a few days since they were so busy with the library. And more students were arriving to school so it was getting harder to sneak around. Mitch was starting to think that this was all going to end as soon as all the students came back. Beau came out in just a towel. He smirked when he saw Mitch look him up and down.

"Enjoying the view?" Beau joked, making Mitch blush. Mitch's phone went off and he saw that he had a text from Scott.

Scott: All packed! I'm actually excited for this school year. One more year 'til freedom, bitch! Mitch smiled widely as he replied.

"Who are you talking to?" Beau asked, getting Mitch's attention. The teen looked up in time to see Beau drop his towel to put on boxers. Mitch's cheeks heated up and he looked away. Even though they had slept together it still made Mitch blush.

"Just Scott," Mitch shrugged, typing out a quick reply to the blond.

"Oh," was all Beau said, causing Mitch to frown. Beau came over to the bed in a pair of blue sweat pants. He climbed on the bed with Mitch, leaning over to kiss the teen's neck. Mitch smiled and moved his head to give Beau more access. Beau made sure not to leave a mark. Mitch made it very clear that he could not leave marks that people would see. Beau respected it because he knew it was to protect Mitch and he had to protect his job. Beau moved to lay on top of Mitch who smiled up at him.

Mitch gasped a little when one of Beau's hands moved to palm him. Beau moved to kiss Mitch's lips as he pleasured the teen. Mitch had his hands against Beau's chest as they made out. He slowly moved his hands over Beau's torso, feeling all of the muscles. Mitch's hands were slightly cold which caused goosebumps on Beau's warm skin. Mitch broke the kiss when he phone started ringing. Beau moved back to Mitch's neck, peppering kisses down his neck and to his shoulder. He used his tongue to trace what was exposed of Mitch's collar bone while Mitch checked his phone.

"Mmm, is it important?" Beau asked, glancing over to see what was on Mitch's screen. He saw it was Mitch and Scott's text conversation.

"Not really," Mitch answered, trying to type a quick reply with one hand. Beau reached over and locked Mitch's phone before taking it from him. He tossed it on the nearby couch.

"Hey," Mitch whined with a small smile.

"I've been craving you for too long for you to be distracted right now. He can wait," Beau smirked. Mitch rolled his eyes before leaning up to kiss Beau's soft lips. They made out while Beau moved their lower bodies together. Beau moved a hand up under Mitch's shirt, slowly pushing the fabric up. He groaned when Mitch's phone began ringing.

"Beau, I have to see who it is." Mitch told him, not actually wanting to get up.

"Let it go to voicemail," Beau mumbled.

"What if it's my dad?" Mitch asked, looking over at the phone that had stopped ringing. Beau groaned and reluctantly rolled off of Mitch so he could check. Mitch checked his phone before setting it back down and going back to Beau who was now leaning back against the wall. Mitch crawled up on the bed to stradle Beau's lap.

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