Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long! I've been kind of down recently and had no motivation to write. Basically, I met this girl on the dating app Her who I really like and we're actually meeting up Saturday as long as nothing changes. But I feel kind of bad because she's out to her family and they know about us talking. In fact, her mom has been pushing her to meet up with me. But I'm not out to my family so if this turns to more (which we've already discussed) than it'll be hidden from my family. She told me she's okay with being "friends" around my family but I feel bad about hiding it. My family isn't the most accepting and I don't know how they'll handle me coming out. I came out to my best friend of 7 years and she didn't take it well. Things have been kind of tense and odd between the two of us since which sucks because I want to talk to her about this girl and have her be happy for me. She told me that she would stay friends with me but doesn't want me thinking that means she agrees with my choice. But I'm back to writing!

Mitch and Scott had spent the first two months of school getting closer together. Mitch was still nervous and wasn't ready to be open about being friends with Scott. His dad knew he was hanging out with Jeffree and was keeping a closer eye on him. His dad seemed busier than normal but Mitch wasn't sure what was going on since his parents never told him anything. He hadn't gotten a warning about being friends with Jeffree but he did recieve a new class schedule so that he wouldn't be in the same classes as Jeffree anymore. Mitch knew his dad was the reason. It didn't stop him from hanging out with Jeffree or Scott though.

Mitch was laying on his bed next to Jeffree as they did their homework. Scott was spending time with his other friends which was kind of upsetting to Mitch. He usually ran off to Beau whenever he couldn't be with Scott but he had agreed to do homework with Jeffree so Beau would have to wait a little while. They worked mostly in silence, taking small breaks to talk about their day. Mitch was also texting Scott but the texts were long in between since Scott was busy. He also didn't want to seem eager to talk to the blond so he would wait several minutes before replying.

"Why won't you admit that you like Scott?" Jeffree asked and based on his tone, Mitch knew it wasn't a joke. He was being serious.

"I already told you. My dad would kill me." Mitch mumbled, staring at the page in front of him.

"You've hiding Beau from him all this time. You know how to do it. Why are you afraid of Scott?" Mitch thought it over as he worked. Jeffree was right and it was something he had thought over more than once. Why was he afraid of Scott? He had proven to himself that he was good at hiding things from not only his dad but the other students.

"Scott's not gay," Mitch pointed out, feeling his heart drop at being reminded. Scott was exactly what he wanted but he would never be able to have him. Even if he got over his fear of being around Scott it would only be torture for him. He wanted to be with Scott and not just as friends. He wanted to be with Scott and not have to be afraid him being taken away. He didn't want to feel sick at the thought of Scott leaving him after graduation.

"Ugh, I can't take it anymore!" Jeffree exclaimed, dramatically rolling to the side to lay half on top of Mitch's back.

"What are you talking about?" Mitch asked, shifting to try knocking Jeffree off him but the blond didn't budge until he rolled himself back to his stomach. Jeffree stared at Mitch for longer than necessary before sighing.

"If I tell you a secret you have to promise you won't tell anyone I told you. Not one single living soul," Jeffree said.

"Alright?" Mitch drew out the word in suspicion. Jeffree sat up, crossing his legs. Mitch did the same, pulling his eyebrows together. Jeffree was staring down at his hands in his lap and playing with one of his rings.

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