Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Alright, this chapter probably isn't that great and I apologize. If it's really horrible or too messy, please let me know and I will re-write it. This past month has been crazy. I've been having some medical problems and my month has been full of doctor's visits, blood draws, medicines, phone calls with long waits, new medicines, hospital visits to have more blood drawn, more medicines, and more phone calls. All without definite answers about what is going on. In all of this though, I was diagnosed with PCOS which can cause a lot of medical problems so I think for now my doctor is going to treat that and see if the rest of the problems are fixed with it. I go back to see her in January and I'm hoping to be better by then. 
With that being said, Merry Christmas! I hope you are enjoying yourself! My day has been spent helping my aunt and cousin move furniture. Which I should be doing right now but I snuck away to update this and I'm trying to get it done before they find me. 

         When Mitch woke up the sun was setting. He had missed his classes which he knew meant he would be punished again. He knew his dad wouldn't beat him again so soon. He would probably just take away TV, internet, and cell phone privileges. Mitch didn't care anymore. He didn't do anything other than lay in bed anyway. He was still cuddling the blanket and it was calming him to smell Scott. He wanted Scott. He wanted to feel his arms around him. He wanted to feel safe. A couple of tears silently slid out of his eyes and he moved so they wouldn't land on the blanket.

Mitch didn't think about it as he got up and left his room, still clutching Scott's blanket. He didn't bother changing or putting on shoes. The wooden floors were cold on his bare feet but he didn't care. He got on the elevator and went to Scott's floor. When he got to Scott's room he knocked on the door but there was no answer. He tried the door but it was locked. He didn't want to go back to his room so he decided to wait for Scott. He winced and gasped as he lowered himself to the floor. He sat cross-legged with the blanket in his lap. He didn't dare lean his back against the wall.

People passed by as he waited and they all looked at him odd. He ignored the comments and questions they had. He stared at the blanket in his hands and momentarily wondered if he should have brought it. He wasn't ready to give it back yet. Maybe he could just take it with him when he leaves. Maybe Scott won't say anything. Just as he was about to take the blanket back to his room to not risk losing it, Scott got to the top of the stairs. The blond seemed surprised to see Mitch sitting in front of his door. Scott looked around the hallway before walking up to him. He could tell from how rough Mitch looked that he wasn't doing good. He didn't want to intimidate the smaller teen so he squated down in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" Scott tried to keep his tone gentle. He didn't want Mitch to be afraid of him.

"I-I don't know," Mitch said honestly, not making eye contact. Scott stared at him for a moment.

"Do you want to come inside?" He offered, motioning to his door. Mitch nodded his head which made Scott smile. The blonde stood up and held out a hand to help Mitch up. He didn't miss the wince Mitch gave as he stood. Scott unlocked his door and motioned Mitch in ahead of himself. Once they were both inside, Scott offered for Mitch to sit down and the brunette did so. Scott sat down next to Mitch, not being sure what to say. Last time he was alone with Mitch he was shoved and yelled at. He knew something else was going on so he wasn't mad at Mitch.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked, not knowing what else to ask. Mitch shook his head no, not looking up. Scott looked down at the blanket Mitch was clutching tightly. It made him smile a little at seeing Mitch carrying his blanket around. "Do you want to talk about it?" Mitch didn't respond for a few moments but finally nodded his head. Scott waited to see what Mitch would say but he never said anything.

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