Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: I've been wanting to write this chapter since chapter three. I'm so excited for the second half of the story because everything is going to come together. There's going to be drama, tears, and happiness for everyone!

Also, I'm doing better from everything I said in the last chapter. My monthly break down is over and I'm back on track, baby. But I am going to talk to my doctor about seeing a psychiatrist so maybe these break downs won't happen as often.

Mitch sat on his bed watching videos on Youtube while eating a slice of chocolate cake he had gotten himself. Today was his eighteenth birthday and he had gotten a check from his mom which he put towards his new apartment he would be getting next summer. He swore that he would have a place to live before he graduated and he would be out of here the day after graduation. He would never have to see his family again or any of the assholes in this school.

He wasn't entirely sure yet where he was going or what he was going to do when he got there but he was excited. He thought about going into modeling or something but hadn't made his mind up. Mitch glanced up at the clock and noticed that it was already four in the afternoon. Most students went home for summer break so the building wasn't too crowded and Mitch enjoyed it. All of his bullies were gone and so was Scott. The blonde hadn't really spoken to Mitch since they were fifteen. Mitch was thankful for that because he hadn't been in serious trouble since then. Life went back to normal. It didn't mean Mitch didn't miss Scott.

There was a knock on the door and Mitch paused his video and set the cake aside before getting up. He opened the door to see the woman who delivers mail to the students. He never got mail so he was shocked to see her.

"Hi, you have a package," she told him. She held out a box to him and he felt shocked. Who else would send him anything? His mom always gave him a check for his birthday and his grandparents would send a card with some money but they were the only ones who acknowledged his birthday.

"Thank you," Mitch said, finding his voice again. The woman smiled before walking away. He shut the door and carried the box to his bed. After sitting cross-legged on the bed he grabbed the scissors off of his night stand and used to it to cut the tape off. When he opened it the first thing he saw was a large alien spaceship made out of cardstock. He picked it up and looked at it with a small smile when he noticed writing on the back. He felt his heart pounding at what was writen on the back.

I think you're out of this world!

Happy 18th Birthday, Mitchy!

Love, Scott.

There was even a little winky face drawn next to Scott's name. Mitch felt tears in his eyes and hated how emotional he got. This was probably the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. He set the card aside to see what else was in the box. There was some snack stuff like goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, and a few candy bars of different types. There was a book with a note taped to the cover that said, "thought you might like this. It's one of my favorites." There was also three, small, wrapped presents at the bottom.

Mitch opened the first present which was a clear rectangle with water and galaxy glitter inside it. There was a note taped to one side so Mitch peeled it off and opened it. It explained that the present was supposed to help with anxiety because you can watch the glitter settle and it was pretty. He picked up the next one and unwrapped it. It was a necklace with a hand that had an eye on the palm that had a blue gem inside the eye. It was on a a cardboard holder that explained that it was Hamsa Hand which was supposed to bring good luck and happiness. The last present was the biggest which he saved for last on purpose. He laughed after opening it because it was an adult coloring book full of swear words with pretty designs around them. There was a pack of colored pencils wrapped with the book.

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