Chapter Nine

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A/N: I didn't know if I was going to be able to upload this today because I had it almost finished but then decided to delete it and start over because I didn't like the old version. I like this one so much more. I'm actually very proud of this chapter.
I have to say a huge thank you to everyone reading! I'm so happy that people like this! (^_^)

              Mitch woke up the next morning with a horrible headache. He quickly realized there was something pressing against his back and a weight on his waist. When he looked down his eyes widened when he saw an arm over him. He turned carefully to look behind him but couldn't really see who was it was because they had their face buried in his back. He tried to gently wiggle out from under the arm without waking the other. When he saw it was Scott he stayed frozen where he was. He moved to sit up, Scott's arm over his lap.

He looked over to his clock to check the time. It was eleven in the morning and he was so happy they didn't have school today. His head was hurting and all he wanted to go back to sleep but didn't think he would be able to. He wiggled back under the blanket, trying not to disturb Scott. He laid on his back with Scott's arm still over him. He turned his head to stare at Scott. The blonde's hair was messy and his mouth was hanging open slightly with soft breathes coming out.

Scott shifted around a bit until he was basically laying on Mitch. His head was now on Mitch's stomach with his right arm over the younger's thighes and his left arm tucked under himself. Mitch laid completely still and stared down at the blonde head on his stomach. He found a small smile on his lips. He reached up and gently ran a few fingers through the messy hair. He shut his eyes again to try to sleep off the hang over. He felt safe with Scott laying on him. It felt like he was being protected. Mitch relaxed to the feeling of Scott and the sound of his breathing.


Scott opened his eyes and was confused when he realized he was using another person as a pillow. He sat up the rest of the way and looked to see Mitch. He yawned and ran a hand through his hair before sitting all the way up. He grabbed his phone off of the night stand and saw that he had a few texts and that it was noon. He was happy he hadn't drank too much at the party so he didn't have a hang over. He couldn't imagine what Mitch was going to feel like when he woke up.

Scott turned to stare down at the brunette. He thought about the things Mitch had said last night. He didn't know how to bring it up because he was sure Mitch wouldn't want to discuss it all. He didn't want to put Mitch on the spot while hung over either. Maybe he should wait to ask his questions.

Scott played around on his phone while waiting for Mitch to wake up. He knew Mitch would need all the sleep he could get. He yawned while considering going back to sleep. He didn't want to completely ruin his sleep schedule though. He wanted to lay down and cuddle Mitch some more but he didn't know what Mitch would think waking up with him so close. He leaned back against the headboard and watched Mitch sleep. He knew it probably seemed creepy to sit and stare but he didn't know if he would ever get a chance like this again.

After about ten minutes of sitting in the silence with Mitch, the brunette started to wake up. He waited to see what the younger boy's reaction would be to him sitting there. His beautiful brown eyes finally landed on Scott and he gave a small smile. Scott returned the smile, feeling relieved that Mitch didn't freak out.

"Morning, sleepy head," Scott said, making Mitch smile bigger. "How are you feeling?" Scott asked. Mitch stretched out and made a quiet noise that had Scott smiling again.

"Not as bad as when I woke up earlier." Mitch said after thinking about it a moment. Scott felt a blush forming. Had he been laying on Mitch when he woke up earlier?

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