You Can't Win This Fight! (Avenged Sevenfold)

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I don't know how much longer I could do this for. Really I was sick of it. The heat, the dust, the lack of sleep and the noise. God what I wouldn't give for five minutes of silence.

I pushed my way through the people, yet another thing I was sick of.

"Scuse me." I said for about the 100th time.

My politeness was met with a shoulder barge.

I stopped and looked around, hoping I wasn't lost and I glanced at the time, nearly midday. Oh well if I was lost I had 3 hours to get my shit together anyway.

"Ana, hey Ana." Someone called.

I looked around and spotted Marley waving her arms madly. I made my way over to her.

"You don't look happy." she told me as I arrived by her side.

"Don't you ever get sick of this shit Marls?" I asked her.

"No way," she said shaking her head "This is what I live for."

I sighed, she had a point, we'd been doing this for 3 summers and right now I couldn't imagine not doing it, though I could imagine plenty of other things I'd rather be doing.

"Where you going?" Marley asked me.

I shook my head "Just looking around."

Truth was I had to get away from everyone else, they were getting on my nerves this morning and I didn't want to say something I might regret.

"Well I'm hungry, walk with me." She told me wandering off.

I followed her, battling my way through the ever growing crowd while she got something to eat.

We found a piece of grass and sat down. Well actually I layed down.

"I need sleep." I moaned.

"You'll live, think of why your doing this." Marley said shoving a hotdog in her mouth.

A shadow fell over me.

"What are you doing over here?"

And that right there was the reason I was doing this.

I smiled up at my boyfriend Jacob. "Just resting."

He smiled at me and layed next to me on the grass.

"It'll be worth it babe, I promise." he murmured in my ear.

I hoped it would be worth it, because we had put so much into this and admittedly things were looking up.

"I hope so." I said kissing him.

"Hell we got a 4pm slot, better than last year." he grinned.

This was true. When the band first started these festivals three years ago they were on the smallest stage with the earliest time slot. Last year was a bit better, but this year things were finally looking up.

Jacob and I had been together for 6 years and his band had been together longer, it was a long hard road but they were determined, and it was paying off.

"Oooh." Marley said "What about tomorrow night."

"I refuse to think about tomorrow night until we finish todays set." Jacob said determinedly.

I smiled, so prefessional, even though I knew how excited he was about tomorrow night.

I put my finger to my lips "Shhhhh, don't mention it, he'll fangirl."

We burst into laughter.

Jacob gave us a filthy look and stood up.

"You coming." he said holding out his hand.

I took it and let him pull me to my feet.

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