Chapter 8

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"What are we gonna do now?" Lilah asked.

I glanced at my watch, 3.37pm. The guys were playing at four and I really should go and watch.

"They're playing at four, you wanna come?" I asked.

"Yep, I'll call Jim while we walk." she said pulling out her phone.

We started walking and I couldn't help but listen to Lilah's side of the conversation, I smiled, I had no idea what Jimmy was saying.

"Hey it's me, nope, aha, no silly, yes four o'clock, we will, no, what time?, he did?, well she deserves it, I'll look for him, well what does the silly bitch expect, yes, I'll ask her, I'm sure she will, yes he's a total prick, I don't know Jimmy, honestly, yes, okay, I'll call him now, yes I know, me too, aha see you then."

She hung up and smiled at me "Well, let's go."

I shook my head smiling, what a conversation.

We neared the stage and Lilah pulled out her phone again.

"One sec." She said to me. "Oh hey it's me, yep, where are you?, well what can I say, I'm looking, you do?, nope, not yet, oh ha I see you."

She hung up smiled, I followed her gaze to someone who was walking over towards us.

"Fuck, even I didn't recognise you." Lilah laughed.

"What do you think?" this person asked.

"Very good."Lilah said hitting him, it was a guy, on the arm. "You remember Ana?"

"I do, hey." he turned to me and I recognized that smile straight away.

I smiled, I didn't trust myself to say anything.

"So, are we going? Don't they play at four?" Matt asked.

"Yes, let's go."Lilah said disappearing into the crowd.

Matt followed her, I followed him.

I looked around, there was a good crowd here too see them play and I was glad.

"Let's get to the front." Lilah said.

"I dunno, there's alot of people here." I said, I didn't feel like pushing my way through a crowd "You two go, I'll wait here."

"Bullshit." Matt said, and he grabbed my hand and started making his way through the crowd, alot of people automatically moved for him, I mean his height was intimidating, but he did it, he got to the front, just as the guys came out on the stage.

They were great, as usual and Jacob knew I was watching, he saw me, which was good I guessed.

"So, what now?" Lilah asked.

"We should probably go say hi." I said making my way off to where I knew they'd be.

I glanced back, Matt and Lilah were walking and talking, and I wondered what they were talking about.

"Hey." Marley said as I walked up.

"Nice set." I told her. I watched Matt approach Jacob, and they immediately started talking.

Lilah came over and started talking with Marley, I couldn't concentrate, I was watching Jacob and Matt, trying to hear what they were saying.

"Ana, hellooo." Lilah said.

I looked back at her, Marley was gone and Lilah was looking at me.

"Seriously Ana." she started "if he's going to treat you like he has today, your better to be rid of him, standing there staring with that look of , I dunno, love, lust, all over your face, move on girl."

I looked at Lilah and felt myself starting to blush. She looked back at me, raising her eyebrows, the she followed my gaze to where I was looking.

"Ana," she smirked "Who exactly are you looking at?"

"What?" I asked, I was blushing furiously,  I couldn't stop it.

"Oh my god, Ana," she was giggling "You have a thing for Matt, I love it."

There was no point denying it, it was written all over my face.

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