Chapter 23

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I looked at the clock, nearly 4am, I'd had no sleep, absolutely none, I couldn't stop thinking. Lilah was asleep next to me, I'd hugged her while she cried herself to sleep, she was devastated at the way Jimmy had acted, and I agreed with her, it was pretty horrible.

I groaned and rolled onto my back, staring into the dark. I was such an idiot, how had I been so stupid, letting him sweet talk me into actually thinking he gave a damn, oh god I felt like the biggest fool, I could see him and Jacob having a good old laugh over the whole thing.

Well, I thought, you never have to lay an eye on either of them again, which right now, suited me down to the ground. Finally I drifted into an unsettled sleep until Lilah's quiet crying woke me up again.

I reached out and hugged her.

"That idiot has broken my heart." She cried.

"I know." I said trying to soothe her.

"And Ana I'm sorry, I'm being so selfish, I didn't realise Matt could be such a dick." She said hugging me back.

"It's okay Lilah, it was only a brief thing, not like I was in love with him or anything." Oh, are you sure? a voice in my head whispered.

"At least I met you." Yes, at least we'd met.

We both layed there, staring at the ceiling, feeling sorry for ourselves.

"I can't believe they're touring with eachother, god, they must think I'm an idiot, I wonder when they planned this, I feel like such a dick Lilah." I wiped away tears "They certainly made a fool out of me."

"Oh god, this is horrible." Lilah cried.

"That whole scene at the party, everything." I buried my face in my pillow.

"We need to go shopping." Lilah declared, sitting up "We'll buy some new clothes, look so damn good those idiots will be sorry."

So we got up and showered and went shopping. We spent an obscene amount of money on clothes and shoes that I could honestly say I'd never wear, then we got some food and went back to my house.

"After we eat, we're gonna try all this stuff on." Lilah laughed, indicating to the pile of bags laying there.

"Good idea, we'll give eachother a fashion parade." I giggled, at least I was feeling better and I hoped Lilah was too.

"I'll go first." Lilah said, grabbing a handful of stuff and disappearing into my room.

We took turns getting changed and strutting around my living room, honestly it was fun.

"Check me out." Lilah laughed, she came out in some lingerie "At least you'll see me in it, nobody else will."

We stopped laughing "Stop it." I said, standing up "Surely someone out there will want us, oneday."

She went back into my room and came out dressed "Your turn"

"Oh wait til you see this, you will laugh I promise." I went into my bedroom and pulled out the most ridiculous dress I'd ever layed eye's on. It was black, extremely short and extremely revealing,  I kooked at myself in the mirror wondering why the hell I'd even bought it.

"Ana." Lilah called.

"Yeah hang on, I'm putting on the shoes." I pulled out a pair of heels to die for, if you wore shoes like that, which I certainly didn't.

"Ana." She called again.

I quickly did up the shoes and stood up, slightly unsteady on my feet.

"Oh my god, what was I thinking." I said throwing the door open. "At least I'm tall."

"Um." Lilah said.

Matt was standing in the middle of the living room, and he had a shocked look on his face.

"Oh fuck." I said turning around and walking back to my room "Go away." I slammed my bedroom door "I have nothing to say to you."

Great, just great, I'm dressed like a whore and he's in my living room to see the whole thing.

Something else for them to laugh about I guess.

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