Chapter 3

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I woke up in a bad mood. I was tired and I was having one of my I don't want to do this anymore moments.

"Hurry up Ana." Jacob called from the van.

Hurry up, I'll give him hurry up.

"Shutup." I yelled at him walking out the door "I'm ready. Happy?"

I got in the van and closed my eyes as we started driving.

"What is your problem?" Jacob asked me.

What was my problem? What could I say to him. Well Jacob, while I love you and support you, I'm at a point in my life where I think I'd like to spend some time chasing my dreams instead of yours.

"I'm tired." was all I actually said.

"We're all tired." Marley said softly from the back seat, I think she sensed I was in a terrible mood.

I never said a word for the rest of the drive. I knew I'd get over it, I always did.

They were all excited by the time we arrived, even though they still had nearly four hours til their set.

My mood was worsening as the day went on, so I decided to just go off by myself for awhile.

"Will you be back?" Jacob called out to me as I walked away.

Of course I would be back, my friends were having the biggest moment of their lives.

I shrugged at him and kept walking.

What was wrong with me? I thought to myself looking around for somewhere to sit.

Your just tired Ana, I told myself. But what if I wasn't,  I'd been having these thoughts for the past couple of weeks.

I needed to get out of this mood, it was affecting everyone else and it wasn't fair on them.

I walked around and listened to some different bands, it helped lighten my mood a little, and I eventually made my way back to the other's.

One hour to go and they were incredibly nervous.

We made our way to the stage. For once someone else was going to set up their gear so we stood around.

Marley couldn't stand still, she kept twirling her sticks around and around and pacing.

"You can watch from that side of the stage." A guy said approaching me.

I looked at everyone "Good luck." I told them.

They didn't listen to me, they were too busy going over things in their head.

I looked around for Darryl, or Daz as I called him, another friend who'd been helping the guys for years as well.

"Come on." he said and we made our way to the other side of the stage.

We stood there and as the time got closer I was beginning to feel nervous.

I watched strange people set up the gear and had to fight the urge to go out and tell them what to do.

"Jesus fucking christ." Daz hissed in my ear "Don't look, but shit look to your left."

"You told me not to look." I hissed back.

"Look, but don't be obvious." he whispered.

I looked at him and shook my head laughing. I looked down at my boots and pretended one of my laces was undone. I turned to my left and knelt down pretending to do it up. I looked up to see two guys standing there talking.

"Jesus fucking christ." I hissed at Daz standing up.

He nodded his head "Right....fuck."

I watched the guys come on the stage and start their first number, I listened glad the crowd was enjoying them.

I glanced back over my shoulder and my world stopped.

He was smiling at me and I had a strange feeling in my stomach.

My world was about to change.

You Can't Win This Fight! (Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now