Chapter 41

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"We need to call the police Ana, this is out of control." Matt indicated to the mess that was my bedroom.

I'd finally told him exactly what was going, he'd been a little angry at me for not telling him and he'd insisted that we come back over so he could see for himself.

"What are the police going to do?" I was looking for things I could salvage, but there wasn't much.

"Ana." He snapped. "Don't touch anything."

Matt called the police while I just stood there. I felt lost, everything that was mine, that was part of me was ruined. I was doing my best not to start crying again but I was failing miserably.

"They're coming." Matt said. "They told us not to touch anything."

All I could do was nod, I didn't trust my voice, all my stuff ruined and Matt was cranky at me, this was the worst day of my life.

Finally the police came and they looked around, they were going to look for fingerprints but didn't think there would be any.

"We can't do anything without proof miss." An officer told me. "The note isn't signed and he never actually threatened you in any of the messages we heard."

"Your joking right?" Matt snapped.

I wish he wasn't so upset. I put my hand on his arm and looked at him, silently begging him to calm down.

He sighed. "So can we go?" He asked the police.

They agreed telling us that they'd be here a while and that if I had any problems I was to call immediately.

We got in the car, I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what.

"I guess we better go and get you a few things." Matt said.

I didn't answer, I was too scared I'd start crying.

He drove to the mall and we went in.

"I guess you need a bit of everything." He said.

I nodded, still afraid of crying.

We wandered around, buying bits and pieces that I needed, shoes, bra's, panties but when it came to clothes I had to try them on, I never could just buy stuff off the rack.

"Hurry up." Matt told me.

Once again I didn't reply, I just nodded and headed to the change rooms.

I tried on some jeans and some shirts, I could decide on those but a dress that I'd picked out I was unsure of. I wanted to ask Matt but he was angry at me, so I decided to look for a shop assistant or someone who could give me their opinion.

I stepped out of my change room, and as I walked past another change room someone reached out, grabbing me and pulling me in.

Before I could make a noise a hand was slapped over my mouth, hard enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"Ana, babe." Jacob hissed. "I've missed you." He pressed himself against me, kissing my forehead and my cheeks.

"Don't worry baby, I'm not going to do anything here, I just wanted you to know I'm watching."

I was trying to breathe and not panic, and oh god he had an erection, I could feel it pressing against me.

"Ana, can you hurry up." Matt suddenly snapped.

"Tell him your coming." Jacob whispered, pressing his lips to my ears.

"I'm coming." I said quickly.

Matt grunted and I heard him walk out.

"Now go back and get changed, we'll finish this another day." He removed his hand from my mouth and smashed his lips onto mine. "See," He said grabbing my hand and putting it on his pants. "You make me horny."

He kissed me again and left.

I quickly went back to my room and got changed, walking out and shoving the clothes at Matt.

He grabbed them and paid, not even glancing at me.

I felt like I was dying, I was trying to act natural but I was dying inside.

Matt walked quickly to the car and I followed, trying to keep up, trying not to fall apart.

"I guess you'll have to stay at my place." He said, starting the car.

"Lilah." I burst out. "Take me to Lilah's."

"What?" He snapped again, turning to look at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but he shut it again, really looking at me. "Ana, what happened, your face is red?"

I shook my head, trying to indicate nothing but the tears betrayed me.

"Ana, talk to me." He reached over and pulled me into his arm's. "What happened to your face?" He touched me tenderly, the difference between him touching me and Jacob touching me was huge.

I tried to talk, but nothing came out. I took in a huge breath.

"Jacob." I sobbed.

Matt looked confused at first but I could see the exact moment he realised what had happened. 

He groaned. "Why didn't you call for me." But as he looked at my face he obviously realised what had happened.

"Come on." He whispered, kissing me gently. "Let's go home."

He held my hand as he drove, and as we pulled into his drive, he turned to me.

"I love you baby, and I promise I will never leave your side. Okay?"

I nodded and buried my face in his chest, I felt safe with Matt.

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