Chapter 11

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"My god Ana, you really are tiny." Lilah said as I stood there looking in the mirror.

"I look stupid." I did, I had on a dress, black, straight and it clung to me right down to my ankles.

"You do not, wear your boots. How tall are you?" Lilah asked playing with my hair.

"5ft." I said, applying eyeliner.

Lilah looked at me with her eyebrows raised.

"Fine, 4'9, gosh."

"Jesus, maybe I should hook you up with Johnny."She laughed.

I looked at her in the mirror "I mean Matt would annihilate you in bed."

She burst out laughing "I mean seriously Ana, he would"

I wasn't laughing.

"Oh relax I'm joking. There I'm done." she indicated to my hair "I mean I'm sure you two would find someway to deal with the size issue."

"Lilah, really, not funny." I sat down, pulling on my boots.

"Let's go." she said heading for the door "But promise me, when you and Matt do have sex, please tell me how you did it."

She burst into laughter as she walked out the door.

"What's so funny?" Matt asked, he was in the hallway.

"Oh shit." Lilah giggled.

"She's being an idiot." I mumbled, blushing, jesus.

"Why does that not surprise me." he said shaking his head.

"Oh for god sake, I was just commenting on Ana's height, that's all." Lilah said "She's tiny."

Matt smiled at me "It's cute though."

"Yeah thanks guys." I said, still blushing, as we walked into the room.

There were alot of people here, I hardly knew anyone, except of course Jacob who glared at me again as we walked in.

Lilah grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a seat.

"We sit here for awhile, if anyone wants us, they come to us." She told me. "I hate these things."

"Well why the fuck are we here then?" I asked her.

"It's expected." She said looking around "Oh look bitch face is here."

I followed her gaze to Amber, who was sitting with another girl.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Meg, she's okay. I want a drink, what do you want?" she stood up.

"Just a soda or something." she raised her eyebrows "I Don't drink."

She nodded and walked off. I looked around nervously,  I was so out of place here, I felt ridiculous.

I felt someone sit down next to me. I looked over, straight into Matt's eye's. And damn, I was blushing again.

"So Ana, tell me about yourself, I mean what do you do?" he asked me.

"Um, well." My mind went completely blank "Oh, I'm a nurse, though I haven't been working much, but once I get home I'm planning on finding a permanent job."

Jesus, I sounded like an idiot.

"Where's home?" I was staring at him, I couldn't help it.

I dragged my eye's away from his face and looked around. "Seal Beach."

"No shit, really?" he seemed shocked.

"Yeah, lived there all my life."

"Ha." he smiled "So why are you getting a permanent job now?"

"Oh well." How do I explain this. "Jacob and I, well, you know."

"So you two were together?" he appeared amazed "I don't see it, I mean he seems an okay guy, but you..." He let his voice trail off.

But me what? I wondered.

"Here." Lilah said, appearing and giving me a drink. "What are you two talking about?"

"None of your business." Matt said standing up "Maybe we'll talk later."

I watched him walk off.

"Shit, I'm sorry." Lilah said "Bad timing."

"It's okay, we were just making conversation is all."

Matt turned around and walked back over.

I looked up at him.

"Um Ana, so would you mind if I got your number." he asked, somewhat awkwardly.

"Oh sure." I gave it to him, trying to appear calm, but freaking out inside.

"Oh shit." Lilah hissed as he walked away again "Maybe that sex scenario isn't so far fetched after all."

She burst out laughing while I glared at her.

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