Chapter 5

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"Lilah, stop." I said to her.

"What's wrong?" she asked me.

Think quick "Well you know, I'm a little overwhelmed,  nervous and all." Good answer.

"Oh my god, of course, sorry." she gushed. "Um well wait here, I want you to at least meet James."

I nodded, yes, that I could do. I watched her walk off.

"Hey." Brian said appearing out of nowhere "Introduce me."

You'd think we'd been friends for years "To Marley?" I knew exactly who he meant.

I called Marley over and introduced them, Marley was being very cool.

"Nice to meet you." She said shaking his hand. I had to look away or I was going to laugh.

"Ana." Lilah called.

She was walking towards us with Jimmy.


"Jim this is Ana, she's my new best friend." Lilah said.

He laughed and then smiled at me "Nice to meet you, aww and I'm glad you made a friend babe."

"Yeah well I can't stand being around those other two bitches." she told him.

He nooded in agreement.  "I completely get you."

Geez, they really didn't like those girls.

I looked over at Jacob, he was standing there watching me. I waved him over.

"Hey." he said walking up and shaking Jimmy's hand.

They hit it off straight away and started talking. I smiled at Lilah and looked over at Marley who was still talking to Brian.

"So, are you and him?" Lilah asked indicating to Jacob.

I nodded "Six years."

"Jesus, six years, why are you not married?" She was very forward.

I shrugged. Jacob was not the marrying type, he wasn't interested. But in all honesty it didn't bother me either, maybe I wasn't the marrying type either.

"Matt, come here." Jimmy called.

I glanced over at him and quickly turned my back facing Lilah.

"So you like touring?" I asked her.

She shrugged "If I want to spend time with Jimmy."

I nodded but I had no idea what she was saying, I was listening to Jacob, Jimmy and Matt.

"Ana." Lilah said.

I looked at her "Sorry, I'm just really tired, long day."

"I said give me your number." She looked at me oddly.

"Sure." So we exchanged numbers.

Everyone stood around talking for a bit then it was time to go. I started walking off , Marley as usual was trotting off in front of everyone. Lilah promised to call me, that was fine, I liked her.

"Well it was nice to meet you." I said turning away.

I turned straight into him.

"We actually weren't introduced." he said, his voice was so smooth "I'm Matt." and he stuck his hand out.

"Oh of course, I'm Ana." I took his hand and I felt myself blushing "So now it was nice to meet you." I said quickly and I walked off.

I got outside into the cool air and stopped. Jesus christ Ana, get a grip.

"Where we staying tonight?" Marley asked me while we waited for the others.

I shook my head, I had no idea.

Marley suddenly grabbed me and started shaking me.

"Can you believe that Ana, jesus fucking christ."

I shook my head, I couldn't believe it at all.

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