Chapter 7

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"Come on Ana, let's hit the road." Marley called.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to the van, I climbed in the back, pretending not to notice that Max was in the front, I always sat up front with Jacob. Well now I see how it is. He hadn't spoken to me for the rest of the week, until now, and he hadn't really spoken to me now either.

We had a long drive ahead of us, so I got comfortable.

"What's going on?" Marley leaned over and whispered "Are you two, through, or what?"

"I don't even know." I hissed back at her, turning to look out the window.

Were we finished? It would've been nice to be told, instead of finding out like this. I know what your thinking, I started it right? Yeah well when someone has had six years of your life, it doesn't matter who did what, it still hurt.

It was yet another long boring drive, but finally we arrived Friday morning. We all climbed out and looked around. I actually felt pretty awkward.

"Well see you guys later." I said walking off.

"Wait up." Marley called running after me "Where you going?"

"Dunno, looking around, seeing what's up." I told her "And I'm catching up with Lilah in a while."

"Lilah, as in Jimmy's Lilah?" She asked.

I nodded and kept walking. "How even?" She asked.

"We swapped numbers last week, chatted a few times." I shrugged.

"My god Ana, you have all the luck." She laughed.

It wasn't luck, Lilah and I just got on well, that was all. We got to where Lilah and I organised to meet and I sat down, I had twenty minutes or so to wait anyway.

"Well I'm gonna keep looking around." Marley said and I watched her wander off.

I looked around, the crowd was growing and people of all ages walked past me. I thought about Jacob again, I couldn't believe he was acting this way.

"Hey you." I looked up and Lilah was standing there.

I smiled. "How are you?"

"Pretty fucking good." She said sitting down next to me. "What are we gonna do?"

"Let's go see some good bands. I need some fun."

"Jacob?" She asked. I'd told her couple of things during the week, enough that she understood what was going on.

"Yep, he's completely ignoring me, and well, you know." I shrugged.

"Yeah I know, he's being an ass. Let's go have some fun, and later we can catch up with the guys." She grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "They're way better looking than stupid Jacob."

I laughed, maybe a little too much.

Lilah stopped and looked at me. "I see, obviously someone fits that bill. Do tell?"

"I don't even know what your talking about." I smiled and walked off into the crowd.

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