Chapter 14

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It was Saturday afternoon and I was sitting on my bed. I'd worked this morning so I'd tried to have a nap before the party tonight, but my mind wouldn't stop. The stupid party, I really didn't want to go, but Lilah was insisting that I do. Matt would be there, and honestly, I was too embarrassed to see him. He hadn't called, I knew he wouldn't, why would he?

I groaned and stood up and went into the bathroom. I stood there and looked in the mirror, pulling faces at myself. I decided to straighten my hair, I rarely did it, but I felt like something different.

It took forever and when I went back into my bedroom to decide what I was going to wear I noticed I had a message.


Do you want me to pick you up tonight?

Oh god, now he felt obliged, I wish he'd just stop. This message was worse than not hearing from him at all.

Thanks but Lilahs picking me up.

What else could I send back, sorry I was such a dork the other night, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.  Oh god, tonight was going to suck.

I got changed and applied a small amount of makeup and by the time I was finished Lilah was here. I grabbed my bag, I was staying at her place tonight, and we headed off.

"It'll be okay Ana, stop worrying. "

"I don't even want to go Lilah."

"Oh stop, so what, it didn't work out with Matt but there's going to be other guy's, so chin up."

I guess so. I mean I would eventually meet someone.

We got to the party, which was at Zack's house and as we walked in thing's went from bad to worse.

"You look really hot by the way." Lilah told me as we walked in the door.

"Stop it." I said having a quick look around. I saw Matt straight away, he was talking to someone, he looked over at me and I gave him a lame half wave.

Jesus Christ Ana, I told myself, could you be anymore dorkier?

"Ladies." Jim said walking over "Let me get you a drink."

He went off to get us a drink and Lilah and I sat down. I looked around and my eye's met Jacobs. Great.

"That's it, I'm leaving." I hissed.

"Oh no your fucking not." Lilah said grabbing my arm. "Ignore him, look at all the guy's here, hmmmm, there's a few good looking ones."

I looked around again but the only good looking guy who caught my eye was Matt. Jimmy came back with a drink for both of us, soda for me, godbless him that he remembered.

"I wish he would stop glaring at me." I said referring to Jacob.

"Yeah, I noticed that too." Jim told me "Why don't you two go and sit out the back, a few other's are out there, Johnny is."

"Good idea." Lilah said kissing him and grabbing my arm. We walked out back, there were less people out here and it was a pleasant evening. We sat down.

"Better?" Lilah asked.

I nodded "Much, christ, I could feel the hate."

"What a fucking ass."

"Who's an ass? I hope your not talking about me." Matt sat down next to me.

"Fucking Jacob, making Ana uncomfortable." Lilah said, sneeking a wink at me.

"What's he doing?" he looked at me.

I shook my head "Nevermind, I don't want to talk about him."

"He's giving her death stares and making her feel bad. " Lilah was leaning over me to tell Matt "It's not nice Matt."

I glared at her, wishing she would shutup.

"Just ignore him, that'll bug him more." I wish he would stop looking at me. "Now I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything Ana?"

"No thanks." I said. I watched him walk off, he stopped and said something to Jimmy and they looked over here.

"He likes you Ana, I swear."

"He's being polite Lilah, like he's forcing himself." I watched as Jimmy started walking over to us.

"Fuck off Ana, you are so stupid. Babe." she greeted Jim.

"Can you come with me for a minute, I want you to meet someone." he said taking her hand.

"What about Ana?" she asked "I just can't leave her."

"Don't be stupid, I'm an adult, I'll manage." I gave her push.

"I'll be back in a minute." she called walking away with Jimmy.

I sat here and looked around, I didn't know a single person. I spied Jacob walk out and look over, he saw me and stopped.

Dear god, don't let him come over, please. I felt someone sit down and I looked, expecting Jacob, it was Matt.

He smiled, that damn smile, I wished he'd stop. "So Ana."

"So Matt." What else could I say?

"Do you want to go out again? Like tomorrow maybe?"

Holy shit, he was asking me out again, what the hell was wrong with him. "Sure, I'd like that."

"Good, don't ask me what, but I'll think of something. Now, I just wanted to ask you before I had a few drinks, you know." He was grinning.

"Okay, sound's great."

"I'll call you in the morning anyway."

I smiled at him, he actually wanted to go out with me again.

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