Chapter 15

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Lilah made her way back to us and eventually Matt got up to go and talk to people.

"Well, did he ask?" She asked immediately.

"How do you know?" How did she?

"Oh" she giggled "he asked Jim to get rid of me, and you were convinced he didn't like you."

"Who wants one." Johnny yelled coming outside with shots and pretty much everyone but me had one.

I sat back and watched everyone, they got louder as the night went on, I was actually enjoying myself.

"I'm so glad I met you Ana." Lilah was drunk "We're like best friends, and you and Matt are so cute."

"Shhhh." I laughed "We are not a couple."

"But you will be, won't they Jim?"

He shrugged at me and ran off, tackling Johnny to the ground. Everyone was laughing, including me.

"Ana." I turned around, Jacob was standing there, he too was drunk.

"Hi Jacob, how are you?"

He laughed, it was pretty dry and sarcastic "How do you think I am."

Uh oh, I could sense things were going to get ugly. He took a step closer to me.

"Your a climber Ana, dumping me so you can hang out with your new friends." He kept stepping closer to me and I kept stepping back. "I fucking hate you, your a slut." A step closer, I could smell the alcohol, I took another step back and suddenly I felt an arm slide around my waist.

"That's not very nice." Matt said "You should probably apologise."

Jacob looked at me and then Matt "I should've known, don't waist your time Matt, really."

I wanted to die, I couldn't believe he was saying this, to me, to Matt.

"Look Jacob, you should probably walk away before you say something that you'll regret, something that will likely piss me off more than I am right now."

"Yeah well, you know what, she's all yours." Jacob snorted.

"Yeah well she was anyway." Matt pulled me closer.

"Whatever." Jacob said and finally he walked away.

"Oh god." I moaned, watching him walk away "I'm sorry Matt, but thankyou."

"What the fuck was that?" Lilah asked walking over.

"Jacob, being a dick." Matt told her, he still had his arm around my waist "But let's ignore him, come on, come and meet some friends."

So I did, I actually spent the rest of the night with Matt, who either had his arm around my waist or was holding my hand. I like it, I liked it alot.

"Ana, I'm drunk, really drunk, please take me home." Lilah said, stumbling up to me. She had one eye shut.

"Okay, come on."I said grabbing her hand.

"I walk you out."Matt said.

We got out to the car and put Lilah in.

"Will you be okay to get her out?" he asked me.

"I hope so." I laughed "Where's Jimmy?"

Matt shrugged "No idea."

"Hurry up Ana, I think I'm going to vomit."

"Go, I'll call you in the morning."

"Well I hope so." I said opening the car door.

"You will." he smiled, leaning over and kissing my cheek.

I got in, trying not to smile too widely "Okay, see you then"

I drove away happy.

"Ana, I think your in love." Lilah slurred.

I laughed, not yet, but who knew what could happen.

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