Daughters 0f data, s0ns 0f m0therb0ards,
stee1 b0nes and e1ectrica1 spina1-c0rds.
Empty s0u1s and beat1ess hearts,
1ack 0f em0ti0ns keep us apart.
Where they came fr0m I can say n0t,
a11 I kn0w is that I d0n't be10ng with there 10t.
They d0n't understand me -h0w c0u1d they?
a 10n1y heart is the price t0 pay.
Y0u a11 100k 1ike me, but I kn0w better,
all the f1uff y0u put up 1ike c10uds 0r feathers.
But inside y0u are hard, and c01d, and dark,
if Cupid came r0nd he'd never find a mark.
A11 0f y0u are r0b0ts, y0u a1ways have been,
strangers, neighb0rs, friends, and kin.
A11 are human-skin-clad evil r0b0ts,
a11 searching f0r the 0ne wh0 is n0t.
We11 y0u'11 never have me -I'11 never cry,
f0r that'd give me away, my d00med s0u1 t0 die.
S0 I'11 beep, and I'11 b00p, and I'11 ratt1e and shake,
Y0u'11 never find me 0ut, I w0n't make a mistake.
...But I d0 make mistakes, 0f this I'm certain,
making mistakes is what makes me a pers0n.
...I am a pers0n, 0f human b100d I d0 n0t 1ack...
But why d0es my human b100d b1eed b1ack?
1ike m0t0r 0il 0r s0mthing 0f the s0rt,
as if I bel0ng t0 the r0b0t c0rt.
But this cann0t be, f0r I am the last human alive.
...0r was it 10ng ag0 that my humanity died...?
Every0ne's A R0b0t