Worth More Than Gold

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As you grow, you come to know,
people who are like-minded,
you adopt a brand-new friend.

You share your lives,
your hopes, fears, and beliefs,
your bond will never bend.

You grow together,
in age, heart, mind, and soul,
then the future knocks.

It knocks, and you answer,
you open brand-new doors,
some which to your friends are locked.

parting is such sweet sorrow,
unless it is good-bye for good,
where is the 'sweet' that should atone?

There is a choice, yes,
and you have already chosen,
you must part your ways alone.

To a very different future,
one without your beloved friends,
one you must brave for yourself.

You may feel alone,
but do not forget,
what you yourself have felt.

Yet in that unknown future,
you will find people of like-mindedness,
and adopt a brand-new friend.

But you must not forget,
the friends you grew up with,
for you'll see them again in the end.

So listen to me now,
hear what I have to say,
I don't care what you been told.

Always, remember your friends,
for if you have enough silver...

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