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*Just so you all know, El is known as Jane in the beginning in her dream, so there wouldn't be any confusion to who is the evil Eleven.*

Jane Ives was running through the forest at nighttime. She knew she was close to the cabin. Suddenly, she heard a twig snap behind her. She turned around slowly. There was a dark hooded figure. "Who are you?" Jane asked. The figure took off her hood. It was Jane, only her hair was much shorter. Her eyes were red, and there was blood coming out of her nose. Jane was frozen. She was confused. The girl who looked like her spoke. "You may be Jane. Perhaps El, most people call you. But I am the one who made you powerful." She said. "I... Am Eleven." Jane and Eleven looked at each other. Suddenly, Jane couldn't breath. More blood dropped out of Elevens nose, a little bit of blood out of her ears as well. Jane was becoming dizzy. She couldn't breath. She tried to use her powers to break out, but it was no use. Jane closed her eyes, accepting fate, when...
"El! Wake up!" El woke up, terrified. She looked around. She was back in her room in Hoppers cabin. Some of the stuff in her room were on the floor. She didn't remember them being there before. She looked at the person who woke her up from her dream. To her surprise, Mike Wheeler was sitting there, holding her hand. El squeezed his hand back, smiling. "Mike..." She said. Mike smiled. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Hopper told me you were making a fuss." Mike told her. "Making noises in your sleep." El looked nervous. "I felt something, Mike." She said. "I feel this... This power inside of me, wanting to come out, to do bad things." Mike held her hand. "El, that's your ego." Mike said. El was confused. "Ego?" She asked. "Yeah. Think of eggo, but take out one 'g'." Mike said. "El, your ego is basically something that comes up as you get older, that makes you do stupid things. Take me for example. When you were gone, my ego was acting up. I cheated on tests, cursed at a teacher, vandalised a bathroom stall, even stole from Nancy." El was shocked hearing this. This did not sound like Mike Wheeler at all. "But now, I realised I was under it. So, when you feel that way again, say, 'Ego, shut the hell up.' And make it sit down in the back of your mind." Mike said. El smiled. Mike was always so supportive. He understood her. She closed her eyes. She forgot her dream by now. She was tired. Mike left, and came back to her room with a glass of water, to see her falling asleep. He set the glass by her nightstand. He looked at her sleeping. His mom once told him he looked younger when he slept. He looked at El, and saw her face looked younger. He thought everyone must have looked younger when they slept. He kissed her on the head. "Goodnight, El." He said, leaving her bedroom, turning off the lights on the way out.
As Mike exited the room, he saw a bigger mess throughout the cabin. Bookshelves were fallen over, a window was smashed, and the couch was upside down. Mike left the cabin, stepping over some glass. He saw Hopper looking at a tree that was torn down. "Should we tell her?" Mike asked. "Not yet." Hopper said. "If we give her enough support, she would deal with it on her own." "Night, Hopper." Mike said, leaving.

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