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Will had gone into the woods to meet with Winter, his radio in his backpack if he ever wanted to meet with anyone else. As he came across Castle Byers, he peeked his head inside, expecting to find her asleep. But she was gone. Confused, will looked around in the snow. As he expected, he saw shoe tracks leaving the fort, with paws next to them. Will guessed it was her Fox.

Will was about to go follow them, when something caught his eye. An envelope. He knew he didn't have to, but his curiosity took over him, and he grabbed the envelope. It had already been opened. He saw a note in there. He took it out, seeing it was written in pen.

Dear Winter, you must be confused as who this was from. I am Adrienne, or Six, as Doctor Brenner called me. I am like you. It was I who kidnapped chief Hopper, and left him in a terrible state. I know you may disagree on my actions, but I have left this message, to give you an opportunity. I am already with somebody who has powers like us. And I know you are friends with Will Byers and Jane Hopper. I can help both of you control your powers. I want you to meet me at the same area you had saved Hopper from.
Sincerely, Adrienne.

Will heard a footstep behind him. He turned around. Winter was standing outside the fort, an ashamed look on her face. "Let me explain." She said. Will looked at her. Then, got up. "You weren't thinking of meeting her, were you? The same person who kidnapped Hopper? The same person that burnt the cabin? The same person that attacked Mike?!" Winter was close to tears. "Maybe she had the wrong idea about the nornal people around us." She said. "But maybe she can be different around us. She can help us control our powers." Will felt anger. "I was normal once! So you think I wanted this power? Do you think I wanted to be a Freak like you and the others?!"

Winter looked hurt. Will still felt anger, then realised what he had just said. Winter looked at him. "I'm not a freak." She said quietly. Will walked closer to her, but she backed away. "No, Winter, I didn't mean that. I just..." Winter ran off into the woods, Will hearing her crying. Will ran after her. "Winter, I'm sorry!" He yelled after her. He expected her to teleport away any second, so he had to explain quickly. "I never mean that!" He yelled. Suddenly, Winter tripped into the snow.

Will slowly walked to her, seeing her crying. She saw him, and she backed away. "Just get away." She said. Will came closer. "I didn't mean that." He said. "I swear, I didn't. I was just... Angry." He said. Winter looked up at him. "You're right." She said. "I was born with something that scares people. I tried to accept it as a gift, but I knew it was a curse. I am a freak."

Will looked at her, remembering something Jonathan had told him. He grinned, and sat next to her. "Yeah, you are a freak." He said. Winter gave him a confused look. "And I'm a freak too. I mean, I'm known as Zombie Boy around my school, because there was a funeral held for me, even through I was trapped in the upside down." Winter grinned.

"And I can make it snow anytime, anywhere, and freeze anything. I can even see into the Upside Down if I want to. But you," He looked at Winter. "You're more talented. You be in one place, then another. You can't even get caught." Winter chuckled a little bit. "Sure, we're different. But would you rather be like everyone else besides yourself?"

Winter looked at Will. "Thank you, Will." She said. "I have been stupid, keeping an invitation from somebody who's probably dangerous."

The two kept looking at each other. Then, they kissed. At that moment, it started snowing, and Wills brown hair had gone white. They started laughing. When Will opened his eyes, they were bright blue. Both were blushing, and the snow had died down as Wills hair and eyes were back to normal.

"You know, I'm fine here. I don't need this Adrienne person to help me. I trust you. I always have." Winter explained to Will. Suddenly, there was a static sound in his backpack. He opened it up to grab his radio, and put it on the right channel. "Who is it?" He asked. "It's Lucas." Lucas said on the other line. "Listen, meet me, Dustin, and Steve at the railroad tracks. It's important." He said. "Why?" Will asked. Then, Lucas cut off the line. He looked at Winter. "I'll.. See you soon." He said. Winter smiled, waved goodbye, and teleported somewhere.

Will ran through the woods to the railroad tracks, to see why he was needed.

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