Until next Time

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"Their called Lily's." Max explained to El, who was looking over a garden of flowers. It was spring. El enjoyed being in the warm weather. "Pretty." El said, looking at the flowers. Max never used the word. But she enjoyed being with El so much, so she knew she had to get used to it.

Max had been keeping El company, since the Wheelers were on a Spring vacation. Max smiled at El. "I'm so happy we got along." She said. El nodded. "Thanks for being with me." El said.

The two walked over to the forest, and walked to the quarry. "I remember in California, there was a beach. The only thing Hawkins has to that is the quarry. But, it's okay." Max explained. El smiled. The memories came back. "I saved Mike here once." She said. Max grinned. "Really?" She said. El nodded. "He and Dustin were chased by mouthbreathers, and Mike was pressured to jump. When he did, I caught him." Max giggled a little. She couldn't believe Mike would do such a foolish thing. "I remember we went here for a school trip. Acting stupid, I thought it would be funny to act like I was going to trip off. I got a few good laughs, but the teachers were pissed, so I got suspended for the rest of the week." Max said. "Suspended?" El asked. "Well, it's like a punishment the school gives you. If you do anything stupid, you can't go to school for a certain amount of time." El nodded, understanding now.

Just then, El heard someone walking behind them. She turned around to see Will walking to them. Though it had been two months, things had changed. Everything in Hawkins seemed to be peaceful. And Winter had left. Her mother heard of her daughter in Hawkins, and knew it was her. Winter said her goodbyes to everyone before she left.

"You know, Mike really acted different when you were gone, El." Will said. "The thing is, I'm myself. I miss Winter, of course. But at least I know she is safe, and home." El smiled. "I sometimes check on her. She seems happy at home." Will sighed. "Listen, it's cool you have that power, but it can be creepy sometimes if you are watching someone without them knowing." El laughed a little bit.

"Did you have fun with Max today?" Hopper asked El. They were having dinner. "Yeah, I did. She's a great person." El said.

Hopper had purchased an apartment in the city. The trailer was to small for El to live in, and the cabin was burnt to the ground. While El had still stayed at the Byers house, Hopper looked for a place for him and El to live. He finally settled on an apartment in the city. It had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and it was cleaner than the cabin.

"Listen, this is totally your decision," Hopper said. "But I was wondering if you wanted to try out school next year." El looked up at him, her eyes were large in surprise. "Like I said, totally your decision. But I was thinking that Mike, Will, and Max go there, and you don't have to be hidden anymore..."

"Yes." El said. She was smiling. Hopper smiled too. "Alright, great!" He said. "I'd just give you some advice, don't go down the same path as I did." "Why?" El asked. Hopper chuckled. "Well, I wasn't best the role-model student. I would skip class to... Nevermind." He said. El was curious. "What?" She asked. "It's.... Uh... You'd understand when you're older, okay?" He asked. El nodded.

As they continued eating, El brought up the question. "So what will you do about Joyce?" Hopper almost choked on his food. He looked at her. "What?" He asked. El smiled. "You told me a while back that you may have been falling in love with her." Hopper put his hand to his head. "Christ... There are some things I should keep my mouth shut about." He said. El laughed.

That night, El had an odd dream. She was walking through a beautiful forest with Mike. Suddenly, everything changed. The sky became dark, and Mike disappeared. She was in the Upside Down. So was scared, looking around. She ran through the trees, and saw a hooded figure near trees. She walked over to the figure, and he took off his hood. It was a man, probably in his 40s. He looked at El, and smiled. "Jane." He said. "You found me." El was confused. "Who are you?" She asked. The man walked closer to her. "We never met. Jane, I am..." Then, everything shook. The man looked nervous. He looked at El. Suddenly, a dark arm came from the ground, grabbing his ankle. The man screamed, as he was pulled into the ground below him. "Find me Jane! Find me! Only then, will you understand..." The man was pulled into the ground, going deeper.

El woke up gasping. Hopper rushed into her bedroom. "The whole house shook. Is everything alright?" He asked. "I don't know..." El said. "I was in the Upside Down. And... There was a man. He was pulled into the ground by... These arms." Hopper looked at her. He sat down. "It's just a dream kid." He said. "Your mind can play weird tricks on you." Hopper got up, and looked at her. "You're safe, El. As long as you are with me." Hopper left her room, and El went back to sleep.

El pushed the dream aside as something her mind tricked her with. However, the man, and the Upside Down, only meant something else. It was another sign, that El would have to put her powers to the test again, and save the people she knew as her family.

Stranger Things: The Lost Family (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now