You are my Family

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*This chapter will be short. It will focus on Adrienne, and her life after she left Hawkins*

Dr. Owens was in Nevada. He arrived at a hospital. Once entering, he was guided by a special doctor to where he needed to go. Owens walked past rooms where there were sick or dying people. He came to an elevator, and instead of pushing a button, the doctor inserted a key. Owens felt the elevator going down.

When the door opened, it was much darker in the hallway. Owens walked through, and came to a wall that had a glass window. Owens sat in a chair that was propped near the window. A few minutes later, Adrienne entered behind the window. Once she saw him, she was smiling. Owens picked up a phone connected to the wall, and Adrienne picked up a phone on her side.

“Hi Dad.” She said. Owens smiled. “Hello, Adrienne.” He said. “How is the hospital?” “It’s fine.” Adrienne said.

It had been 2 months after the incident in Hawkins. “How are El and Will?” Adrienne asked. “Their doing fine. El can now leave the and explore whenever she wants. Will, he has been acting like himself. Winter got in contact with her real family, and she is expected to return to her home shortly.” Adrienne smiled. “That’s good.” She said. She sighed. “The doctors said I’ll be here for at least 5 years.” She said. Owens nodded. “I think it’s the right time where you would get the help you need.” He said.

Adrienne put her hand on the glass. Owens rested his hand on the spot. “I’m so sorry I couldn't get to you when you were taken.” Owens said. Adrienne smiled, tears in her eyes. “It’s okay, Dad.” She said. “I knew I was going to see you again. I… I love you, Dad.” She said. Owens felt tears in his eyes as well. “I love you too, Adrienne.” He said.

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