Will meets Twelve (Winter)

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Mike biked to his school. It was his last year before he went to High School. As he got to the school, he parked his bike, and heard his name being yelled behind him. "Hey Mike!" Mike turned around to see his friends. Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, and Maxine Mayfield, better known as Max. Lucas and Dustin rode their bikes, while Max rode beside them on her skateboard.

The friends made their way to the lockers, Max skating down the hallway to hers. Dustin opened his to find the usual. A note in his locker, saying 'Toothless.' Mike found a note in his locker as well, being called 'Frogface.' But as Will entered the school for his locker, he found another newspaper photo of him, being called 'Zombie Boy.' It was most likely Troy or James doing this.

The kids made their way to their teacher Mr. Clarkes classroom. He was explaining cells, which only Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin, and Max were listening to. The other students were extremely bored. Will was listening to Mr. Clarkes lecture, but something suddenly caught his attention. Something out the window. He saw a kid outside, kneeling in the snow. Almost crying. Then the kid looked up. Will saw it was a girl, and she was crying about something. Will was confused. He nudged Dustin, who he was sitting next to. Dustin looked at him. "What?" He asked. Will gestured his head to the window. Dustin looked out. "What is it, Will? There's nothing." Dustin whispered. Will looked out the window again. The girl was gone. Will was confused.

"Now, the Nucleus is on charge of everything in the cell." Mr. Clarke continued. "It is the host, almost like the brain of the cell." This reminded Mike of the Shadow Monster. Suddenly, Mike smelled something odd. Mr. Clarke stopped too, distracted by an odd smell. "Uh... That's odd." Mr. Clarke said. Suddenly, the fire alarm went off. Mr. Clarke looked worried. "Oh No..." He said. "Everyone get up, follow me." He said.

Mr. Clarke and his class left the room, to see black smoke coming through the hallway. Mike was shocked. The school never experienced anything like this.

Every class in the school went outside. They could smell the fire inside the school. As soon as they knew it, firetrucks pulled up to the school, and firemen went in. At least 10 minutes later, they came out. A fireman was talking to the principle. Then the principle spoke up the the kids. "Schools out for the day, and for a while until we get it repaired." He said. Mr. Clarke was disappointed.

Will looked at the school. Then looked at the woods near the school. It was near where he saw the weird girl. He broke away from the group to the area. He went to where he saw the girl. He saw the area where snow was spaced apart by where she was sitting. What got Will curious, he saw blood in the snow as well. Then, he heard a twig snap in front of him. He looked forward into the woods. He saw a figure looking at him behind some bushes. He slowley walked forward. He heard sniffling, almost crying. He looked behind the bush.

There was the same girl, around his age. Her brown hair was messed up. There were tears in her eyes, as if she were injured, or terrified. Maybe a bit both. Will looked at her. Even though she was shook up by something, Will noticed how pretty she looked. He held out his hand. "Are you okay?" He asked. The girl backed away. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Will said, trying to sound comforting. She looked at him. Will saw her blue eyes sparkling. She slowley rose her hand, and took Wills. Will helped her up, but she suddenly grabbed her side. Will saw it was bleeding. "Oh. Uh..." He said. He knew he had to do something. His heart was somehow speaking to him. He knew of his friends saw him walking with a random girl, they would get suspicious. "Um... Meet me on the sidewalk up there." Will pointed to a hill with a sidewalk, a way he biked to school. "I'll be there." He said. The girl looked at him. Then she walked to the hill.

Will walked to his bike. He unlocked it, and rode to the hill, the girl waiting for him. His seat was big enoigh for two people. "Hop on." He said. The girl looked at the metal seat, nervously. Will looked at her. "Listen, I want to help you with that wound. But you're going to have to trust me. Okay?" The girl looked at Will, then at the seat. Soon, she walked to the bike, and hopped onto the back. Will took off. The girl held tight onto Wills shoulders. "It's okay." Will said.

While Will and the girl were biking away, Adrienne, or Six, was watching them. She snapped her fingers, a little bit of fire coming out. She could have stopped them right there. But she needed them both to get stronger, if her plan was going to succeed.

Will finally made it to his house. He knew he would have to call Joyce there was a fire at his school. But he had to help the girl. Will parked his bike, and brought her inside. He found the bandages and other medical equipment. He proceeded to help clean it, rubbed on the ointment, and put on the bandage. "There you go." Will said, smiling. "Good as new." The girl looked up at him, smiling. "Thank you." She said. "Oh, so you can talk?" Will asked. The girl nodded. Will kept looking at her. He held out his hand. "I'm Will Byers." He said. The girl looked at it, and shook his hand. "Winter." She said. Winter, Will thought. What a lovely name.

"Now, how did you get injured?" Will asked. Winter gave him a grim look. "Someone wanted to hurt me." She said. Will was confused. "Who?" He asked. "You wouldn't understand." She said. Will grinned. "Hey, I was lost for a while, people I had a funeral held because people thought I was dead." Will said. "And hey, this is Hawkins. I know what goes on here." Winter smiled. "I guess. I was... I..." Winter didn't know what to say. She took a deep breath, and rolled up her sleeve. There were the numbers 012.

Will was amazed. "Winter... I know someone like you." He said. Winter looked excited. "You do?" She asked. "Yup." Will said. "Eleven." Winter couldn't believe what she was hearing. There was another person like her in Hawkins. Will spoke up again. "So, what can you do?" Winter stopped smiling. "It's hard when I'm injured. But I can appear from one area to another. I can teleport." She said. Will  looked amazed. "That's incredible." Will said. Winter started  smiling again. "I wish I can show you." She said. "Hey, I believe you." Will said.

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