The Confession

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"Joyce, I'm sorry about what happened. But you need to stay calm." Powell told Joyce, while she was reporting Will missing. Joyce had absolutly no patience left in her. Everything her family had been going through over 3 years. Will going missing, Will being possessed, Bob being killed, and now, Will was gone again.

"You expect me to be calm? My son is missing again!" She yelled at Powell. "After everything that's been going on, bad luck always comes to me and my family!" Powell stood there uncomfortably. "But he came back. And he still will come back. We'll find him, Joyce. And it will be different without Hopper around. But we will do the best we will to find him again." Powell explained.

Joyce looked at him. "Thank you, Powell." She said. Powell nodded. "Do you have any ideas who the kidnapper may have been?" He asked. Joyce nodded. "I know this sounds crazy, but there's this girl with... With red eyes. She has short dark hair, and I believe she is in her late teens." Powell took notes. "Late teens, female, short hair, red eyes. Alright, I'll tell you if something comes up." He said.

Joyce left the police station, and immediately knew where she needed to go. She got to her car, and drove to the hospital. Once there, she ran to a certain room, to see Hopper lying in a bed, completely still. She walked into the room. "Hey." She said. She knew he couldn't hear her. But Joyce always felt comfortable when talking to him, even when he couldn't hear her. She walked towards him, and pulled a chair next to the bed. "Will's gone again." She said. "Do you remember how you helped me the first time he went missing? You were the only one that believed me. Every one else, even Jonathan, thought I was crazy. But you trusted me, and thanks to you, he came back home." Joyce looked at him sleeping. If he didn't survive this, she wouldn't be able to think what Hawkins would be like. Hopper, so tough and brave. He was the last person Joyce thought would get in trouble. Besides when he was attacked by the vines, he always stayed strong. "I still remember that promise we made." She said. "I'm doing my part keeping El and Will safe. I... I know you will do your part soon."

Someone else had entered the room. Joyce turned around. Dr. Owens. He looked very nervous. "Joyce, I need to tell you something." He said. "I've been keeping this from both you and Hopper." Joyce stood up. "Does this have to do with your daughter Adrienne?" She asked. Owens was shocked. "Jesus... You already knew?" He asked. Joyce nodded. "She attacked me and El." Joyce explained. Owens looked worried. "Dear god, she's taken the wrong side." He said. Owens sighed. "When Adrienne was born, I knew she was different from the start." He explained. "She was levitating things in her room at a very young age, while she was dreaming. But my wife Victoria and I have always kept her safe, and she taught herself how to control her powers. But one day, when she was only Eight years old, she was taken from us. Brenner and his men kidnapped her, and... I always blamed myself for not keeping a close enough eye on her." Owens explained.

Joyce was shocked. "We filed a police report and everything, but she was never found. I told myself she was gone, and she could never come back. And I hid it from everyone I knew, because I knew there would be questions of my daughter being unusual. But now she's here, in Hawkins. My daughter... Doing the wrong things. I need to find her." Owens explained.

Joyce got up, and walked over to Owens. "You think you can change her?" She asked. Owens nodded. "I know I can." He said. Joyce was angry again. "She attacked me and El. She put Hopper in this condition. She now kidnapped my son! And I know it is her!" Owens looked nervous. "Okay, there are a few complications." He said. "A few complications?" Joyce asked. "This girl is the fucking devil!" "You are talking about her like she is a sick animal that needs to be put down!" Owens yelled at her.

The two stared at each other. Owens sighed. "This is my child, Joyce. I never forgave myself when she was taken. But now that she's here, I can have my child back." Joyce walked to the door, trying to ignore him, but Owens blocked her way. "I want to help you, Joyce. You will save your son, and I will save my daughter." He explained. Joyce thought about this. "Okay." She said. "If you think you can save your daughter, go ahead. But if she hurts you, it would be to late." Owens nodded. "We'll find them." He said. He let Joyce through to walk through the door.

As Joyce walked out of the hospital, she had the feeling she was being watched. She looked around, seeing nobody around her. As she got to her car, she saw somebody standing by her car, their face covered by their winter coat and hat. Joyce was confused. "Can I help you?" She asked. She saw the mans face better. He seemed to be in his twenties. "Joyce Byers?" He asked. Joyce nodded. The man rolled up his sleeve, showing the numbers 003. "My name is Adam." He said. "I can help you find your son."

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