Ives Residence

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*Note from Gus*
*I know I have been gone for a while, sorry! I have been really focused on school, since I have Finals coming up, and a class I need to get my grade up. Anyways, I will try to keep my story updated when I have the chance to write. I would love to hear some suggestions from you for the story if you have any ideas.*

Jane was asleep in her room at the lab. Then, the lights flicked on. She expected Brenner. But at the doorway, wasn't Brenner at all. It was Eleven, dressed in the clothes she wore when she met Kali. Her Ego. Jane got up from her bed. "Is this what you are scared of, Jane?" Eleven asked. "That one day, Papa will come back to take you?" "Shut up." Jane said. Eleven walked closer. "Say that again." She said. Jane rose her hands. "I said, shut up!" Suddenly, Eleven flew across the room, hitting a wall.

Eleven got back up. "That was a mistake." She said. Then, Eleven held Jane in her telekenetic choke again. Jane could not breath. She collapsed to the floor. Eleven was trying to kill her. Jane tried to stay awake, then saw a desk. Jane focused on it, and it slid right at Eleven, making her fall forwards. Eleven got up quickly, and twitched her neck. Jane felt extreme pain on the right side of her neck, then collapsed to the floor. Everything was fading away, and Jane heard one last word from Eleven. "Weak."

"El? Honey?" El woke up. She fell asleep in Joyces car. Joyce was shaking her, smiling. "Hey." She said. "We're here." El looked out the window. There was a path, leading to a small house. El felt very nervous. Last time she saw Becky, she stole some money. Joyce could see this. "Don't worry. I'll be right next to you if you feel nervous." She said. El got out of the car, and slowly walked to the house. She came to the front porch, and rang the doorbell.

Becky Ives came to the door. She saw El, and froze. Then, she quickly opened the door, and pulled El into a hug. El was surprised, but hugged back. "You're okay, thank god." Becky said. She looked at El. "You found her? Your sister?" Becky asked. El nodded. "She was different." She said. Becky looked at Joyce, and smiled. "Joyce Byers, I remember you." She said, shaking Joyces hand.

Becky led them into the house, to Terry, who was saying the same thing over again. "Breath. Sunflower. Rainbow. Four Fifty. Three to the Right, Four to the Left." El looked at her, and held her hand. "Hi Momma. I don't know if you can hear me. But it's Jane. I'm here now." She said. Terry kept repeating herself.

"So, what brings you here?" Becky asked. El, Joyce, and Becky were sitting at the table. "I met another girl like me." El said. "Really?" Becky asked. "She had power?" El nodded. "Lots of it." She said. Becky was confused. "Lots of it?" She asked. "She could see me through my connection power." El said. "She can appear in one place, and appear in another. And her eyes... They glow red." She said. Becky got up, and walked to a file cabinet. She took out a few files, and brought them back to the table. "Do you know what number she was?" Becky asked. "Six, I think." El said. Becky looked through the paper, and finally got to a certain folder. She pulled out a newspaper. "Adrienne Owens, age eight, was kidnapped today. Her father, Samuel Owens, was playing with her at the park, when he saw she disappeared from view. He knew something was wrong." She read aloud. "Witnesses said they saw Adrienne talking to a man, and calmly be taken to a van." A terrible look came across Beckys face. "Oh my god. She's been missing for 10 years." Becky said.

Joyce was in shock. "Sam Owens is her father? Oh god... He never told us this before." She said. Becky looked at Joyce. "Who?" She asked. "My son Will, when he came back, we thought he had these episodes. And we looked to Sam Owens, a doctor who wanted to help. I am still in contact with him, but I... He never told us he had a daughter who went missing." Joyce explained.

Suddenly, the light above them began to flicker. Becky looked at it, then at El. "Do you think it's Terry?" She asked. El got up, and looked st the light. Then, the light outside the kitchen began flickering. El followed, until the lights around made a path into Terrys room. El walked in. Joyce and Becky followed. "Is it Terry?" Becky asked again. Joyce was confused. "What's going on?" She asked. Becky was about to answer, then the doors in the room slammed shut on their own, and the lights turned off. Everyone was confused. Becky went to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. She trid to push it open, when the bedroom closet opened up. "That won't be necessary." Everyone looked to the closet. Hidden inside, was Adrienne.

Joyce almost yelled, when Adriennes eyes turned bright red, and Joyce seemed to freeze in place. El and Becky were shocked. "Incredible, isn't it." Adrienne said. "How I have so many powers." Suddenly, Adrienne heard the air rushing behind her. She turned around, and saw a lamp flying at her, most likely El doing it. Adrienne stopped it in place. "Jane, I was taught to expect the unexpected." She said. "This... What you're doing, is pathetic." El was angry now. She looked at Joyce. "Let her go." She said. Adrienne quietly chuckled, and unfroze Joyce. "Wh... Who are you?" Joyce asked. "Don't you recognise me from those pictures?" Adrienne said.

Joyce looked at her. "Adrienne Owens?" She said. Adrienne smiled, and nodded. Joyce spoke up again. "Your father. I know him." She said. Suddenly, Adrienne looked angry, and flames came out of her hands. "I never had a father!" She yelled. Everything around the room, furniture, lamps, books, and the television flew everywhere. El, Joyce, and Becky ducked. El saw Terry, still in the middle of the room, and used her powers to bring her closer. Terry's chair moved to them, and Becky kept her cover. After the room was destroyed, Adrienne walked to the kitchen, eyeing the papers of the kids. Adrienne took out a bag she had with her, and stuffed the papers into the bag. El ran forward. "No!" She screamed. El rose her hand, and a paper flew out of Adriennes hands, and into Els. El attempted to grab more, but Adrienne rose her hand, and El went flying back into the living room, hitting her shoulder on a chair.

Joyce ran to El. "El! Oh god, are you alright?" Becky looked at Adrienne. Adrienne smiled one last time, and she disappeared.

El clutched her shoulder. She looked at the paper in her hand. It was a picture of a boy, around Mikes age. The cover said, 'Missing Boy. Last seen in Seattle, Washington.'

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