The healing of Olivia Randall

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*This part is going to be shorter. It's just an introduction to a character.*

In the town of Chicago Illinois, there was a hospital. In the room 215B, was a young girl resting. This was Olivia Randall. She was very sick. It came to her quickly, and spread more quickly. Her father Marcus went to her room that day to check on her.
"She's getting worse." A doctor told him. Marcus felt as if his life were falling apart. He was terrified what would happen if he lost Olivia. He knew he had fo do something. While Olivia was in the hospital, Marcus was searching for a cure, or a special doctor. He had no idea what the sickness was. But he was determined to find something, or someone, that would help.
As Marcus sat in the hallway looking through a list of doctors in other towns, a man stood in front of him. "I can save her." Marcus looked up. A man, in his 20s, was standing in front of Marcus. "What?" Marcus asked. "I can save your daughter." Marcus was confused. "Who are you?" Marcus asked. "That unfortunatly, I must leave out." The man said.

They entered the room to see Olivia, still resting. The man walked closer, looking at her. Her hair was grey, and her face was pale. He took a deep breath. He raised his hand, and touched her head. Suddenly, color came back to the girls face and hair. And the mans face was draining of color, and his hair was gray. Then, Olivia woke up. Her sickness had suddenly vanished. Marcus ran to her bed, and hugged her. He turned his head to look at the man, but he was gone.

The man was now outside the hospital. Suddenly, color came back to his face and hair. He felt the wonderful feeling of doing a good deed, as he looked at his arm, the numbers 003. He knew this was a curse, but took it as a gift.

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