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It was in the city of Seattle, Washington. At the harbour was Dr. Alexander Gray. Though only Thirty Two, he was a very bright young man, being accepted by a very professional, but very top secret company, known as Project MKUltra. Gray stood by the harbour, waiting for a boat to arrive.

Finally, he saw a large boat, with the signature he was told was the boat to look for. Once the hoat landed, people got off. As Gray approached the landing, he saw the man he was looking for. He was old, and seemed to be badly beaten, for he had an arm sling ove his left arm, and a very large scar across the left size of his face. Gray had a friendly smile. "Dr. Brenner, I presume?" Gray said, shaking the mans hand. Brenner grinned. "Please son, call me Martin." He said.

Gray walked Brenner to his car, and drove off. "What is your name?" Brenner asked. "Alexander Gray." He said. Gray looked at Brenner. "The other doctors told me what happened to you sir. It's a miracle you survived." He said. Brenner grinned. "We all create the things we dread, Gray." He said.

Brenner and Gray parked at a labratory Brenner had not yet seen, and walked into it. "Well sir, to catch you up, I have good news... And bad news." Gray said. Brenner looked at him. "Go on." He told Gray. "Well, the good news, MKUltra as spread from one labratory in Hawkins to other cities across the U.S.A, Seattle for example." Brenner nodded. "As well as other test subjects." Brenner seemed pleased with this. "And the bad news?" Brenner asked. Gray had a nervous look. "Well, the bad news... Some test subjects had escaped." Brenner had a disappointed look. "Which subjects in general?" He asked. Grey took out a list, as if expecting him to ask that question.

"Um, from the lab in Hawkins, Eleven of course. Eight, Three, Nine,  Twelve, and...." Gray paused, as if hiding something. "And?" Brenner asked. "Who else?" Gray took a deep breath. "Six." He said.

Brenner was in shock. Six, his most successful experiment, was gone. God knows what she was doing. "Were there... Any reports of the subjects?" Brenner asked. Gray nodded. "Yes. Eleven was sighted just last year in Hawkins from a mother who claimed her childs swing went swinging on its own." He said. "Since then, none." Brenner nodded. "Anyone else?" He asked. Gray nodded. "Eight was sighted in Chicago, very close to being caught by police. She was in a gang." Gray explained. "Three, no sign of him. Nine, he was actually caught on security footage, but nothing else from that. And Twelve... Nothing from her either." Brenner nodded again. "And Six?" He asked. Gray looked nervous again. "Three nights ago, two former Hawkins Lab Workers were murdered in Beverley Hills, California. One of them, his whole head was burnt." Gray explained. Brenner now looked a little nervous.

Brenner and Gray entered a dark room, only a few lights were shining. There were a few doctors. "Doctor Brenner, welcome back." One of them said. Brenner nodded. In the middle of the light was a boy, with a bag over his head. Brenner walked forward. He took off the bag. The boy was Fifteen years old. When he saw Brenner, fear suddenly came to his eyes. "Hello, Ten." Brenner said. "Now, let's start where we left off, shall we?" He asked. The boy nodded.

Brenner stepped back, looking at Ten. Ten had a focused look. Then a voice entered Brenners mind. "As you can see, Doc, I can talk to you, without moving my mouth or raising my voice." It was from Ten. His nose started bleeding. A doctor had a box of tissues, and wiped away the blood. Brenner nodded. "Tell me what Dr. Gray is is thinking." Brenner told him. Ten looked at Gray, then said out loud, "He is a bit nervous of what we are doing here." He said. Everyone in the room chuckled. "He's scared of me. He thinks I want to do bad things to him. He thinks I want to crush his mind." Everyone chuckled again. Gray looked nervous, and shrugged. "And he's also nervous that his Fiancee Linda might find out he's working in a place like this." Ten said. Brenner nodded. "I think today is good for work." Brenner told Ten. He nodded.

As the doctors were leaving the room, Ten spoke up again. "And Dr. Gray, if you ever do come into my room again threatning me with a gun, I will crush your mind." He said. Gray looked nervous, and Brenner only chuckled. "Don't worry Gray. He cannot do such a thing. The closest thing he can do to harm your head is to keep a nonstop chitter-chatter." Brenner told him. "He did that to me one. I had a headache for a very long time."

Brenner and Gray walked into a conference room to meet with the other doctors. "Gray had told me some subjects have escaped." He said. "The one I am worried the most about is Six." He said. "She can appear from anywhere at any second, and could kill any one of us." He said. The doctors looked nervous. "We understand that, sir." One of the doctors spoke up. "Which is why in this labratory, we have the walls guarded by an electric field." He said. Brenner nodded. "She escaped from one before. She can do it again." Brenner told him. "The power is much more high then her old room." The doctor said.

Brenner nodded. "I also heard that Hawkins Lab has been guarded by a military base?" He asked. All the doctors nodded. "Doctor Samuel Owens had taken over it." One of the other doctors said. Brenner thought about this. "Before you evacuated after Will Byers was back, did any if you remember to check room 450s cabinet files?" He asked. The doctors looked confused. "We never heard of these files." Dr. Gray said. Brenner now had a very nervous look on his face. "This isn't be good." He said. "Let's just hope nobody had found the files yet." He said.

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